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  1. C

    2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam?

    Speaking of State Elections, the Victorians look pretty certain to vote Labor back into power today. They're going to be very thirsty soon, especially with Greens gaining support. As for my mention of the Greens before, I think your responses confirmed that when people talk about stopping...
  2. C

    UN gears up to attack Israel, defend Hizballah

    The UN, led by the perennially courageous France, threaten to attack Israel for conducting harmless military exercises while simultaneously condemning Israel as worse than Hizballah. UNIFIL have been keeping watch over the region (but only during the day) so their friends Hizballah can safely...
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    Damir Dokic - still insane & totally hilarious

    Damir Dokic rants about the disappearance of his daughter: This man should have his own talk show. In fact, he goes on to say: You can't make this stuff up.
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    The Iraq War

    Because that's a credible prize that goes to people like... Arafat? :/
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    Global Human Overpopulation.

    Australia produce less than 2% of the world's co2 emissions and if Australia bodily vanished from the globe the net difference in global temperature according to the latest models would be a few thousandths of a degree over the next century. That's not counting all the sweet, sweet coal we have...
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    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    If you knew a woman who was pregnant, and she had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion? (sorry)
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    What's your sexuality?

    beast, dendro, pedo, pansexual, hobosexual... the list goes on
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    What's your sexuality?

    It's because the member base is largely from sydney.
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    Global Human Overpopulation.

    It has worked because China's fertility rate is 1.7 while India has 2.7.
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    Global Human Overpopulation.

    The difference in food consumption isn't that big though, so developing nations still need a massive amount of arable land. According to wikipedia there's also now more overweight people than starving people in the world. :confused:
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    Politics and Experience

    An interesting question; at any rate the old Labor formula of law student --> union official --> ethnic branch stacking --> safe seat doesn't seem to be working for them anymore.
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    Global Human Overpopulation. has a lot of information on this topic. What a lot of people seem to choose not to acknowledge though is that we are (as in our society and ourselves and everything we do) fossil fuels. If you look at a graph of human population vs time, the population was pretty much...
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    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Why? I don't care about people that exist outside of my own civilisation, they are only potential enemies and rivals for resources. There's no reason to be concerned about their poverty as long as they're still able to provide us with the services we need, and we can limit their population...
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    Saddam sentenced to death

    But that only matters if you think international law is important.
  15. C

    2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam?

    It's to see why people think that climate change = need to vote Greens
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    2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam?

    Someone tell me, without looking up their website or other policy documents, (because I could do that myself, and it's not the point) Why does climate change, whatever that is, create a need to vote for the Greens, and how will voting for the Greens actually help us prevent any problems...
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    * JKR has said, "There is a character who does manage, in desperate circumstances, to do magic quite late in life, but that is very rare..." PLUS * Something will be revealed about Petunia Dursley, although it will not be that she is a Squib or maybe not
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    What attracts you?? In term of body

    I don't know how people can bring themselves to write lists like that, they sound like a character description out of some amateur erotica story. I mean, like, sometimes you see a girl who fits that description and it's like 'yeah she's hot' but then you see a girl who's the opposite of those...
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    Saddam sentenced to death

    Looks like the mainstream media's attempts to convince everyone they're losing are working.
  20. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    But why's there been dozens of attempts in Europe and none in the USA since 2001?