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  1. C

    UK Scientist can divide by 0.

    I agree with your maths nerd, because if 1/0 = null then for a real number x null/x = 1/(0*x) = null, so null = x * null if x = 0 null = 0 * null = 0 * 1/0 = 0/0 ie. 0/0 != 1 but according to waf, if 0/0 exists it should be 1 (and I believe him) so as the maths nerd says it's still...
  2. C

    Australia and New Zealand 'should become one'

    It's a good way to employ more public servants.
  3. C

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: The Tattoo Thread (merged) Well what do you think you're going to be in 20 years?
  4. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Number 1 might be because Kreacher helped Regulus (if he is RAB) retrieve the locket.
  5. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    eg. banning the Falun Gong death cult
  6. C

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: The Tattoo Thread (merged) Why does no one get the poor neglected but equally important bass clef tattoo'd on them? The treble clef just looks like a mutated ampersand anyway :mad:
  7. C

    Australia and New Zealand 'should become one'

    We can create the OU and see if it can be more reprehensible than the EU, which shouldn't be too hard considering the corruption in most pacific island nations is world-class.
  8. C

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: The Tattoo Thread (merged) I'd consider getting eiπ+1=0 , probably. Also I'm going to get this awesome asian symbol (I dunno if it's japanese or chinese or maybe even urdu lol it just lookz kewl) on the small of my back so i can attract hot guys
  9. C


    stress is equal to force per unit area.
  10. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    I'd prefer a softer version of capitalism whereby the state controls all production and distribution of wealth. :santa:
  11. C

    Australia and New Zealand 'should become one'

    I couldn't see that resulting in anything other than them sponging off us like the shit states do to NSW.
  12. C

    rejected for scholarship = rejected for course?

    All it means is they're inherently biased against you for some reason and you need to prove them wrong by out-performing everyone who does that course, especially the scholarship holders. At least that's what I thought when I got rejected.
  13. C

    So, what would your policy stance be?

    Don't you feel that entering a profession where you work with children is a conflict of interest with the well-known fact that right wing extremists eat children? Err... What that means is I love your policies very much, especially the first point of indigenous affairs, global warming, all of...
  14. C

    Have you ever lied to your partner?

    I lie to my partner so much that our entire relationship is a complex web of lies and untruths, where neither of us knows anything factual about the other.
  15. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    If the girl you knock up is a child then... On a more legal note, here's at least 13 previews of the OotP movie. I think this movie will be much better than GoF, if only because the story in the book lends itself better to making a film. As in...
  16. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    Re: Sem 2 2007 results Weighted totals on blackboard changed and now they aren't right, last semester when that happened it was because the exam results were added on.
  17. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    Re: Sem 2 2007 results intro to eng. computations - got 85 maths 112 - HD, probably 85-90 intro to eng. practise - don't care, useless subject... probably about 85 surveying 2 - got 82 :(
  18. C

    Do complete Lefties and Greenies get on your nerves?

    Complete centrists piss me off most of all What with all their "Rule of Law" and "Parliament" and moderate policies of the Labor or Liberal parties, and boring long discussions about politics that aren't even made amusing by naive idealism, aggressive rhetoric or ad-hominem attacks on those...
  19. C

    The Iraq War In this case the best way to stop the violence in Iraq, is to destabilise Iran.