Search results

  1. C

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows A summary of title-based "theories" so far... because we don't all want to read thousands of posts of discussion: Halloween All Hallow's Eve Harry's parents died could involve 2 "Hallow's Eves" - the one that started it all and one where it all...
  2. C

    So, what would your policy stance be?

    Nah, - Privatise everything, including all utilities, health, transport, education - End government funding of any industries that can't support themselves Have a free market economy to the greatest extent possible Minimise government size, revenue and spending, eg. lower income tax...
  3. C

    Should Australia be a Republic?

    Re: Should Australia be a Republic. I agree with one_wit, the current system works fine, but the thought of Charles as our head of state is sickening.
  4. C

    Favourite Harry Potter Book

    Florean... because the Dark Lord needs ice cream too.
  5. C

    Holiday Boy

    It's a sign that he wants to fuck you, actually. I would have thought that was obvious.
  6. C

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    Funnily enough I've actually only read that from articles strongly against the citizenship test who are trying to ridicule the idea of 'Australian values'.
  7. C

    Climate Change Survey

    Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose Occupation: Secondary Student /...
  8. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    He would have been calling himself heartless and brainless.
  9. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    But neither does mis-attributing quotes.
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    Favourite Harry Potter Book

    Re: Favorite Harry Potter Book He didn't appear in 2 or 6 either :santa:
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    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    Howard knows well that White people are better at learning English than black people. This pleases rednecks, because the working class hate black people.
  12. C

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    The purpose of the new English test is to help keep the darkies out so Howard can slowly bring back White Australia step by step, gradually enough that hardly anyone notices.
  13. C

    Why is Harry Potter so crap?

    Because obsessive 13 year old fanboys and 16 year old fangirls like us want to know every little detail of every freaking thing in the whole entire potterverse. That's why.
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    Sem 2 2006 results

    GENG1002 Engineering Computations 1 85 HD GENG1803 Intro to Eng. Practice 88 HD MATH1120 Mathematics 112 90 HD SURV1120 Surveying 2 82 D Average 86.5 for the year That didn't take too long.
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    The Iraq War,CST-EDT-steyn10.article :santa:
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    Why is Harry Potter so crap?

    Shit thread, lock & ban
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    Sem 2 2006 results

    wait, what's this free beer list?
  18. C

    What is ther healthiest cereal? (which doesn't tatse like crap)

    I eat Kellogg's' All-Bran every day with no sugar or milk; it helps keep me regular. It's self-explanatory, really. All bran.
  19. C

    second semester results-how'd u do?

    I am predicting 3*HD and 1*D will update on monday at about 2pm this isn't nearly as exciting as the hsc results a year ago :santa:
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    Is Music To Blame??

    Reggae inspires violence.