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  1. C

    Global Human Overpopulation.

    I can't buy into this sort of thinking because it ignores the more practical and human nature-compliant option of simply killing them so we have the resources for ourselves.
  2. C

    The Iraq War

    It's about the humiliation.
  3. C

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Menzies was the greatest, but like UIC said, unless there's some sort of criteria this is a lot of wank.
  4. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    It sounds quite large next to the number 255,000, which is how many live births we have each year.
  5. C

    Who do you think was the greatest U.S President?

    Why on earth would a US President try to stop AIDS when it was invented by the CIA to kill blacks in the first place?
  6. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    Well you see my issue isn't with whether they vote or not, it's more the principle of whether it's okay to rape someone because they're white and not wearing a tent. And to add to that I should make it really clear that I never mentioned genetics or race, just religion, culture and values. You...
  7. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    What's wrong with trying to help improve the lives that we've already got here? Clearly you can't deport thousands of people who are citizens of the country. It makes sense to help them integrate at the same time as being more selective about who we let in the country. The standard is mostly...
  8. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    What prejudice exactly? So far your interpretation of my stance has been "You're a racist!" based on your lack of attention to what I actually did say and more attention to you making things up. I'd summarise my stance as "If facts allow us to identify a problem a particular group is...
  9. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    You've made a few assumptions with no apparent reason for them: 1. I have a prejudice (I don't) 2. The statistic isn't correct (it is) 3. I could not have just as easily picked another example of a disproportionate amount of a certain crime by a particular group in a society. I chose this...
  10. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    That's the biggest straw man I've ever seen.
  11. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    Well for a more extreme case you can look at Sweden where 85% of convicted rapists are immigrants or sons of immigrants from Africa, Middle East etc. You can also get a better idea of what's causing it from people from certain cultures making statements to the effect of women deserving rape...
  12. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Well it's 0.5% of the population worth of abortions, in fact we import about 140,000 people each year so numbers of that order must count for something. Anyway this might be smashing the sacred wall between Church and Anybody but it's not quite outlawing abortions, I mean persuading someone not...
  13. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    The same ones who control all the world's banks and media along with the freemasons and the skull and bones society, right?
  14. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    It doesn't matter what their reason for being against abortion is, it could be that they think abortion is the tool of Xenu to trap thetans in our bodies, I'm just looking at it from a practical point of view.
  15. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    It's too many because Australia's fertility rate is 1.7. Hopefully this will help reduce the abortion rate somewhat.
  16. C

    2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam?

    At this rate the only way to get Labor out of power will be to abolish the states.
  17. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Yet Israel has a higher GDP per capita than any Arab nation.
  18. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Wrong way around there, the Jews only have a better standard of living because they have clever people like the Nobel Prize winners that can get them that. Meanwhile the Arabs control the world's most important natural resource and are still shit poor.
  19. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    So let's recap on why Australia is the most racist nation on earth: - 3rd generation Australians of Mediterranean background may or may not know their grandparents' language which they may or may not ever use. - Schoolchildren say horrible things Apartheid or religious police can't compete...