Search results

  1. C

    NEW UNSW course!!! B Commerce (International)

    So is this degree really just to allow the majority of UNSW commerce students to do one year back at home, thus making it slightly less expensive?
  2. C

    what are the chances?

    Right, thanks for that.
  3. C

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    Or so some would like to believe.
  4. C

    what are the chances?

    Wait, does this mean that all non-Year 12 applicants get offers on Jan 4th instead of 17th?
  5. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Yes. The o should have been and a, and i think a few other letters are different, too many arab names to remember.
  6. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Not before Khomeini, Ahmadinejad, Khaled Mashaal, Ismail Haniya, Nasrallah, etc. Apparently the footage will be made available by Al-Arabiya. The mainstream media probably won't show it, though (unlike footage of American soldiers being killed).
  7. C

    Saddam sentenced to death Saddam Hussein will be hooded with hands tied behind his back Government and religious officials, a lawyer and a doctor will act as witnesses The execution will be filmed to provide proof of his death I do sincerely hope the footage finds...
  8. C

    Top Schools 2006 By Region

    Govt .....Glendale Technology HS ................................... 386 ....................................... 1 ............ 0.26 ..... 13 Priv .....Summerland Christian College ........................... 35 ......................................... 0 ............ 0.00 ..... 14 hahaha...
  9. C

    lets open our minds people

    What kind of racism is this? Fancy being some poor African refugee fleeing a war torn country full of starvation and rape, and being told upon arrival in your new home that "diversification is a two way street". You disgust me. You obviously haven't studied The racist, religionist nature of...
  10. C

    The HSC is unfair because....

    The HSC is unfair because: - Life is unfair and school shouldn't reflect real life - The highest level of anything is roughly equivalent to year 8 in Asian schools
  11. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    But it's still a better option than income tax, which gives us less money to buy things with in the first place. (Which do people need - more incentive to work, or more incentive to buy?)
  12. C

    A simple question....

    First year is only tough if you're lazy about it, and you can [force yourself to] be not-lazy regardless of UAI. You could try the apply-for-UTS-anyway idea. If that doesn't work, a UAC search tells me that there's a BE at UWS with an '06 cutoff of 60.00, or Applied Science, or Science, at UWS...
  13. C

    hecs or domestic fee paying?

    They offer whichever one is highest on your preferences if you have the UAI or equivalent to get in.
  14. C

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows He better not, the Giant squid would be so lonely :( Anyway, Halloween release date is unlikely, at least on 31st October because that's a Wednesday. On the theories, I'm liking the relation between the horcruxes and the four hallows from...
  15. C

    Primary or Secondary?

    I like the idea of doing secondary because it allows you to work with a subject area you really have a love of, and can hence explain it really well. Like, I find it easy to think of ways to explain high school level maths to kids, but I couldn't do that with english or the social sciences.
  16. C

    Primary or Secondary?

    Year 11 and 12 students, maybe, but I reckon it'd be easier to get along with primary school kids than 7 - 10s. Still less baby-sitting-ish, though.
  17. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    Clearly I have read about Hitler, to whoever said I hadn't. I was actually acknowledging that he had some ideas that were useful at the time. But that's the whole problem. If Hitler or any communist of your choice had stood up and said "I have an ideology that will kill unprecedented millions...
  18. C

    Senior Officer's experiences and account of middle eastern crime

    Oh well. ""All it did was open the debate because for whatever reason there are a number of people in academia and in the government that did not want to talk about Middle eastern crime."" eg. The Sydney Morning Herald.
  19. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    It doesn't have any good principles. Its principles are theft and slavery to the state. People should stop saying "communism is good in theory" or "communism has some good ideas". It's no less evil than conceding that Hitler had some good ideas.
  20. C

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book 5 Prophecies fulfilled IRL: '… at the solstice will come a new …' said the figure of an old, bearded man. (new title, 22nd Dec = Solstice) '… and none will come after…' said the figure of a young woman. (last book) :cool: