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  1. bored of sc

    what rank shall is maintain to get a UAI of 95+

    We need to know what your marks are and how hard/easy your school assessments are to give you a more realistic indication.
  2. bored of sc

    do you wear glasses + how much do you study for?

    Yeah, I'm short sighted so I need it to see relatively distant things with better clarity (e.g. classroom, television, driving etc). As for studying (including homework, assignments and study for nearby tests), I do approximately 1.5-3 hours when busy and about 0-1.5 hours when not busy.
  3. bored of sc


    It was a very wise statement you made.
  4. bored of sc

    Subject Selection Dilemma!

    Don't choose subjects based on the thoughts of others (e.g. people thinking certain subjects are too hard/easy, too much work/bludge or whatever) --> choose them based on interest, ability and preparation for future careers.
  5. bored of sc

    A bit of info on your school.

    Our school. Ranked in the 90's --> :) . Last year's dux gained a UAI of 98.65ish. Three people got on the premier's list (above 90% for 10 units). One girl got 50/50 for SOR 1 (which is like amazing I reckon).
  6. bored of sc


    Music doesn't go down well when I study! Silence is essential for effective study for me.
  7. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Aplus: May I asked, what was the topic area in Question 3? Polynomials was 5 marks and then trigonometry was 6 marks --> got 3/5 for the polynomial part (a) and 2/6 for trig part (b). The trig part was proving a trigonometric equation thingy. I just didn't get the time to begin part...
  8. bored of sc

    What are your goal marks/ranks for...?

    Mine... SOR 1: 49/50, rank: 1 Adv. Eng.: 85/100, rank: 3 Maths: 95/100, rank: 1 Ext. 1 Maths: 42/50, rank: 2 Chem: 85/100, rank: 2 Music: 93/100, rank: 1 PDHPE: 94/100, rank: 1 Post your own subjects and we will compare our standards...
  9. bored of sc

    Tips for English Help!

    Doing more work behind the scenes i.e. studying english more --> writing responses, reading sophisticated texts/analytical compositions, asking teachers for more help, knowing texts thoroughly, revising the day's work, keeping your essays simple with their syntax (sentence structure) but using...
  10. bored of sc

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    Updated: Best group: SOR 1, 2-U Maths, Music, PDHPE... (at 92%+) Worst group: Adv Eng, Ext. 1 Maths, Chem... (from 70-80%)
  11. bored of sc

    english help

    How = techniques --> never forget that! Composers use narrative techniques to explore ideas. As Sonya said, its good to keep it simple. Um, as for the outback topic sentence. For many Australians, the outback is not just a whereabouts, it's a way of life. Like any natural...
  12. bored of sc

    Work in holidays

    whatever you want it to be ;)
  13. bored of sc

    Test Papers then click on HSC exam papers
  14. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Why thank you. I don't believe that --> I thought you would've got 90%+ like every test.
  15. bored of sc

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    95% sure it will be PDHPE (replacing hopefully with extension 2 maths)
  16. bored of sc

    Work in holidays

    I plan to revise everything up to date religion - do syllabus dot point short answers english - write essay and review texts - hopefully read a bit ahead for the next texts maths - do past papers chemistry - revision notes - revise like mad! music - um, not too much --> I might...
  17. bored of sc

    How do you write/type notes?

    I type notes... for chemistry I do the dotpoint and then the most succinct, short answer as possible for PDHPE, maths (yes, you read that right), religion, music I also type them english I haven't done revision notes yet
  18. bored of sc

    HELP! Legal Studies Question

    Good on you Tash!
  19. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Extension maths test I thought I failed --> 29/36 - 81% - Rank 1 :eek: (fluke is what I like to call it) The annoying thing was question 3 Question 1 - 12/12 YAY! Question 2 - 12/13 :) Question 3 - 5/11 :( Man I suck!