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  1. bored of sc

    Holiday Study Plans

  2. bored of sc

    biology help please

    I don't know anything about biology but it says in your signature that you don't do biology.
  3. bored of sc

    Exam moods/thoughts/assumptions/confidence levels etc

    Haha. :) That's classic.
  4. bored of sc

    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Your subject choices, in a ideal world, should be based on interest, ability and preparation for future study/career(s) --> never base it off (although it may help) the teachers you will get, what other people have told you or what your parents want you to do.
  5. bored of sc

    Ideas for a Movie/Video

    A music video that incorporates a story/film like plot e.g. as you've said, murder mystery. That's just me, cause I love music.
  6. bored of sc

    How many units for yr 11?

    Re: How many units? Oh, okay!
  7. bored of sc

    How long do you study a day?

    I do between 1-2 hours --> that's including homework. By the way, in my school planner it says year 11/12's should be prepared to spend 2 hours per day on homework and study!
  8. bored of sc

    How many units for yr 11?

    Re: How many units? There's studies of religion 1 unit as well as the 1-unit VET courses (I think).
  9. bored of sc

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys I wanna write "MC Burney".
  10. bored of sc

    How many words can you write in 40 minutes?

    not many... 3-4 pages if i'm lucky
  11. bored of sc

    ever feel that you did well in a test but did bad? or felt bad and did good?

    Yeh, religion exam thought I did dud but got 100%, maths extension test thought I failed big time but I got 12/12 in the first question (it's out of 36 so I could still fail easily but its a little more unlikely now). And english trial SC, thought it was my best exam EVER (as in, approximated...
  12. bored of sc

    Should I do 4 unit english?

    YES! You have good ranks but more importantly YOU LIKE THE SUBJECT!
  13. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Sorry. Lol.
  14. bored of sc

    Holiday Study Plans

    Not Much. Maybe summaries for PDHPE, Chemistry and Religion. That's about it.
  15. bored of sc

    Exam moods/thoughts/assumptions/confidence levels etc

    What goes through your mind during exam (besides the questions/answers of course)? I always find myself nervous and dumb in extension maths exams but all the others I tend to be fine! It's so annoying.
  16. bored of sc

    Remember (1862) - Christina Rossetti

    Wow! ^^^ Thanks for the compliment! A very nice surprise. It makes me feel priviledged to be thought of in such a way by a such person (assuming from the caption you are doing an english/law degree).
  17. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Electrolysis and Shaon: you guys are way too hard on yourselves! Lighten up and look at the bright side - it's only year 11!
  18. bored of sc

    The Dumbest mistake u've ever made in a Maths Exam

    When you write + instead of -. It pisses me off sooo much!
  19. bored of sc

    Is Physics really hard?

    EVERY HSC COURSE requires effort and hard work --> in this sense --> EVERY HSC SUBJECT is hard to some degree.