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  1. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Actually, there won't be sequels. Unless you mean written by other people. In which case there's several hundred million of them already. They're just all really bad.
  2. C

    Which subjects u need to get a 95 and above UAI!??

    General Maths, Standard English, Visual Arts, Drama and CAFS. Actually you don't need those, but I'm personally trying to get as many smart people to take them as possible so they scale high. Because scaling is based, to put it as simply as possible, on how many smart people are doing a...
  3. C

    Pimples Help

    Yes, well, it beats going to the hairdresser and having to stare downwards the whole time because looking up at the mirror is depressing because of your face. I'm pretty sure about that. I'm also pretty sure the junk food is a myth, never been any correlation for me.
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    psychology @ uni

    If you're good at English and Maths you'll be fine.
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    Usyd V Unsw

    You're just pissed off because he xxxposed you posting year 8 level maths questions on the HSC forums. Anyway, you're all forgetting the Transitive Butt Property, which clearly states that the stupidity of somebody's butt is greater than or equal to the stupidity of that person's head. I'm...
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    Abortion debate

    The laws aren't remaining the same though, soon in Victoria, the law that states that a foetus can be aborted up to 8 months 3 weeks if the mother's life is endangered, is having the "if the mother's life is endangered" part removed.
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    China Rising

    It's not going to happen anyway, because the sudden absence of pesticides, fertilisers and transportation for crops means no food, means mass starvation of the majority of those 3 billion people. Hence the earlier suggestion to cull the population now.
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    ALP to abolish full-fee places

    But then all the bogans from here would go down there and vastly lower the prestige and learning environment of your unis. You're better off keeping them away with mickey mouse universities, trust me.
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    ALP to abolish full-fee places

    The universities must be pissed off; they have the choice of Liberals who brought in VSU, or the ALP who want to remove a source of funding. I agree with snickerdoodle, I mean, someone who went to a private school and bought tutors to do their work for them, etc. might have already 'bought'...
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    Engineering Admins

    You should just transfer to UNSW instead.
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    ALP to abolish full-fee places

    Meanwhile ALP or otherwise we'd just import Indian and Chinese engineers for massively cheaper prices. There are far too many people going to university already, anyway.
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    ALP to abolish full-fee places

    Haven't been to many universities lately huh? On topic: Just as bad an idea as Mark Latham's anti-private-school-ness.
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    China Rising

    Maybe. The combined populations of India and China will see the world back in the stone age when those countries' economies get going. On the other hand, Americans use 50 times more energy per person than other countries, and twice as much as Australians, so you could argue in favour of...
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    First year meant to be the hardest?

    I sure hope so, HD average for the rest of my degree would be lovely.
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    What's hawt, what's n0t.

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    Forget Iceland, Svalbard is the place to go.
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    architecture vs. civil engineering

    This could make it a little easier: Look here. And here. Problem solved. And in fact, the two actually have less in common than some people would think.
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    after 2.5 hours GENG 1001 Introductory Mechanics 75 D MATH 1110 Mathematics 111 92 HD PHYS 1210 Advanced Physics I 87 HD SURV 1110 Surveying 1 93 HD
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    I think it's dead.
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    No, because there's some chance (no way of knowing how high) that a HSC marker will be sad enough to have gone through them and learned their content, and that same marker will decide to take some kinda moral high ground against you. So it's like, taking a gamble, I guess.