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  1. C

    Nerd Sex...

    Fark that, those cranky old librarian ladies are scary. I for one wouldn't want to be chased out by one while I'm there trying to set up my candles and other-type romantic things.
  2. C

    Your top 25 videogames of all time

    25 - 12. A shitload of sega master system games whose names I've long forgotten and you wouldn't recognise anyway. 11. Pokemon (Red/Blue) 10. The Sonic the Hedgehog 1 - 3, on 8-bit and also 16-bit sega 9. Mario Kart (n64) 8. Goldeneye 7. Age of Empires II (also AoE 1, AoM and the...
  3. C

    Nerd Sex...

    No way, it'd be like "Hi, so, umm, you're a nerd and everything, and I want to ask you out. So, umm, I'm gonna recite some poetry just now, you know, because you're a nerd, and nerds like poetry. Then maybe we can go study maths together. I'm pretty sure nerds are into that.". I can't see...
  4. C

    Spain to recognise ape rights =/ Why?
  5. C

    Australian Idol Harding heads to Iraq... fag.

    This is just a coverup of the fact that the ADF are actually using him to torture taliban soldiers into confessing where Osama is.
  6. C

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    It was his left arm, and he was waving to the crowd. FFS.
  7. C

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: when did you lose your virginity? I'll pick up the remaining five. But I want a discount because I don't get the head.
  8. C

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So today I had this amazing revelation, right, it was this: Gay ppl already have the same rights as the rest of us! ie. the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. So, I guess the parades and such can all go home now. Thank me later.
  9. C

    skin scarring

    Fuckin quackery goin on in this thread. :mad:
  10. C

    Nerd Sex...

    YOUR FACE is lame.
  11. C

    Nerd Sex...

    r=1-sin(t) 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399 (that's all i got memorised) Have a rose too, r=sin(2t) How's that?
  12. C

    Nerd Sex...

    Use the following pick up line: Roses are red violets are blue all my base are belong to you Sure to work.
  13. C

    lets open our minds people

    :D But all of those except the Japanese/Chinese, the two sides are the same race.
  14. C

    what constitute as sex?

    So if I put my finger in your ear, or maybe in your nose... we're doing it? I'm not a virgin anymore, then. But I may have had sex with family members and/or animals at some stage.
  15. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    Damn, those pygmies of the equatorial congo basin in Australia. Always causing riots and having people start threads about them. ... Muslims see west as fanatic, violent. 56% of Muslims don't think Arabs responsible for 9/11 :santa:
  16. C

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    They must be pretty happy with Ghana, free entry to the quarters for Brazil.
  17. C

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Awesome, that will make them more likely to beat Japan.
  18. C

    What's hawt, what's n0t.

    stubble = not hot zz top-esque beard = HAWTT!
  19. C

    New Metallica Song

    Metallica is for nerdy guys with greasy hair who walk around in packs at malls wearing all black.
  20. C

    Semester 2 Timetable

    Down to 3 days a week most weeks and no more 9pm finishes. I'm not complaining.