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  1. C

    RIP Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett,,1817952,00.html :(
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    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    More like I dont' believe any of the half a dozen "lip readers" interpretations of what he said that I've read from various media sources.
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    Privatising the Army

    Most of the equipment used by mining companies is manufactured and maintained by other private companies. These private companies have an interest in the mining sector but do not run it. Defense would be no different. The purpose of the police, along with the justice system is to uphold the...
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    can chicks rock out?

    90% of rocking out is abusing groupies. Females cannot do this due to deeply ingrained double standards in society. Therefore, chicks cannot rock out.
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    Privatising the Army

    Surely, at least in a democracy, the government is meant to reflect the interests of the nation, ie. the people. Therefore the middle-man, ie. the government is unnecessary. Layers of beaurocracy and inefficiency could be removed if the army took orders directly from the people funding it...
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    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    1st - Asia. Primary school student.
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    Privatising the Army

    Satire is the correct answer. It belongs here anyway, sorry about that.
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    Privatising the Army

    So I was thinking about economics and the market, and I got this idea, as stated by the thread title. Why not privatise the army? If it can work for utilities, health care and education, why should defense be an exception? Pros: - Better investment. Come on people, our current defense...
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    Spain to recognise ape rights

    Humans commit infanticide and call it choice...
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    Some of my exam results have already appeared on the Grades section of blackboard. Is that normal? Are they usually different when the final results come out?
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    what's the easiest way to ask someone out?

    :s Better stick with interpretive dance.
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    Firefox and adobe It's like adobe, but doesn't freeze your computer every time it opens. Which is nice for those of us running a 486, like me.
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    Wait... You mean there are people out there who think meeting other people on the internet is strange, or out of the ordinary? I'd totally forgotten.
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    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Technically and tactically speaking, fark off.
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    north korea launches missile test

    I agree too, but I never knew Pol Pot was western. He killed 3 million though, not one.
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    north korea launches missile test

    So, are you Chinese, or Korean?
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    north korea launches missile test

    They're giving Whale-Land a hell of a time. But whale land is a place I just made up now. ... It doesn't seem too big of a problem, though. I mean, the missile test failed ffs. You've got a 3rd world country that may or may not have nukes, testing military equipment that doesn't even...
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    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    Guys aren't better at all, most girls just aren't interested, chemical being the exception, for reasons I'm not sure have ever been properly investigated. Studying engineering can be kinda homoerotic in a very male way, all the talk about pins and members and shafts, and what not, in a...
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    Nerd Sex...

    like sex... Well when you think about it, pi isn't really that big of a number, so, it's not actually that much love. Maybe if it was like, 4, or something. Then it'd be like, "let's get married". But pi is more like "you're pretty cool."