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  1. C

    New Consols

    that game was fucking shit totally unrealistic graphics, i mean, like the 50 foot wave that went on for about 10 minutes
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    Australian uranium and China

    ffs. I also happen to think the democracy in Australia is rather effective.
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    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    From Wikipedia; Though the details of macroevolution are debated within the scientific community, it is widely accepted. Macroevolution is largely disputed by many creationism and intelligent design advocates. Generally speaking, these groups differentiate between microevolution and...
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    First year meant to be the hardest?

    Pretty much. I'm selectively failing half of one of my courses because I couldn't care less about it (has nothing to do with the rest of my degree). So if you get like 100% in the calculus component of this course and like 30% in the statistics part you've still got 65% all up, which is...
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    Boys who act like girls

    If you don't cry in front of him, he isn't doing it right.
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    Boys who act like girls

    lol tough man
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    Muslim People in Australia

    Because it's a belief over which they have full control, ie. that they choose to adhere to, which may cause them to want to perform certain actions that may be harmful to others. It happens to everyone, all the time, really. Those people are born with Australian nationality; if they...
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    I am going to fail PHYS1210 in its entirety. I mean, not one assessment task, but all of them. 0% on the exam. I'll, like, finish 4th year and still have this 1st year course I have to re-do, or something.
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    Remembering the Veterans - Australian soldiers only?

    The Turks won, genius. Anyway, I had relatives on my father's side who fought in the Boer War, Boxer Rebellion, WWI including Gallipoli and WWII including Tobruk. But I also had relatives on my Mother's side who were German soldiers, and step-relatives who were actually Nazis. I don't...
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Marx as Dumbledore eh? Maybe he could unite the Proletariat against Lord Voldemort?
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    Boys who act like girls

    What exactly does acting like a girl involve?
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    We should have a popular vote to ban teenagers from being stupid. Then maybe I could go to various public places without having to put up with their presence.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    It means that people in positions of power will abuse their positions more frequently because gay people exist. "Oh look, there's two guys holding hands in the street. I think I'll take this bribe after all!"
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    No, that's really, REALLY good cosmetics. He'd be like, a posterboy for them makeup companies. "Because you're worth it, Harry."
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Man, the guy is like 180 or some ridiculous age like that, you want him to look like your high school principal?
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    Difficulty getting a "shy" guy's attention.

    No, there isn't. Shy people just aren't interested in anyone.
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    Does God exist?

    It also contains a whole bunch of 'facts' about those prophets that are completely wrong, eg. Jesus was Moses' nephew, and that the Psalms were a "Book" given to David the same way the Quran was given to Muhammed. Muhammed didn't really know very much about the Old Testament, and it shows...
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    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    Are you confused with his leak of classified information to help justify the Iraq war? There's no such Iran plan. What is in the media is his dismissal of such plans, though. Because people in Australia are misinformed about nuclear power by Green hype. But that's an entirely different...
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    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    Proof? Why wouldn't they just use the enormous amounts of oil they have? India is also a democracy.
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    No way, Richard Harris was a way better Dumbledore than... the current guy whose name escapes me.