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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    It's actually because Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, which for some bizarre reason (hmm...) just happen to be in the New Testament. Clearly if it wasn't, we wouldn't be Christians, but Jews. That seems pretty obvious to me. Nothing to do with watering down. ... Edit...
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    Matthew 7:12: "Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: THAT IS THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS [ie. the OT]" Whenever the New and Old testaments disagree, for Christians the NT always overrules the OT.
  3. C

    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    First sensible thing you've ever posted?
  4. C

    The Official "Argue with waf" Thread

    What companies do you suppose will sponsor visual/performing arts degrees (for example)?
  5. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    Where's waf when I need him? The IR laws allow you more flexible employment. Petrol prices are a result of supply and demand. Seeing as petrol prices aren't going down maybe you could get the rest of the Left to abandon the ridiculous 'war for oil' crap. Clearly you haven't chosen...
  6. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    No, they attempted to, and the piss weak government caved into violent mobs. Similarly, as soon as we do so, we're also stuffed.
  7. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    ffs take your socialist ranting elsewhere
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    Nice read, but it's all logically fallacious as far as providing 'proof' goes.
  9. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    I don't go to uni to support other uni students. And, Europe is stuffed, for reasons beyond the scope of this thread. But you need only look at recent events in France to get a good idea where they're headed. Edit: Wait, you actually claimed there are no disadvantaged people in this...
  10. C

    Does God exist?

    Please don't, you don't know what it will start.
  11. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    I wouldn't pay if you paid me to pay. Edit: In fact, I've decided that what ever amount of money uni asks for voluntary fees next year, I'll donate the same amount to charity just to make a point; I bet homelessness and poverty kills more queers than VSU.
  12. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    NO, we don't. Because it ruins the University for people who made an effort to get in, and makes it feel like an oversized, more expensive clone of TAFE. I'd know from experience. ... VSU should never even have to have been brought in. Unions have a purpose, we maybe can't...
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    Oh dear.
  14. C

    Australian uranium and China

    The government should give themselves the ability to mine heritage land and make a deal with India to begin exporting large quantities of Uranium as soon as possible.
  15. C

    Does God exist?

    lolz Muhammed was a mentally ill, disturbed man with a very poor working knowledge of the Old and New Testaments, and especially of the history of the early Church. Muslims don't respect Jesus, they believe a ridiculously fictionalised version of him, eg. he was Moses' nephew, was born in...
  16. C

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I never understood Scientology either. ... Maybe they do it because they're attracted to people of the same/not opposite sex?
  17. C

    New Consols

    u fucking wizard
  18. C

    New Consols

    Didn't we already say we were gonna make a porno when i turned 18? Plus, no one here knows what I look like.
  19. C

    New Consols

    or she'll eat you
  20. C

    New Consols

    U forgot skateboarding and FRISBEE!