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  1. C

    Mine Antarctica??

    The moment it becomes technologically feasible (and some effort should be made to make this the case) we should do so to the greatest extent possible.
  2. C

    Republic vs Monarchy

    Yeah, I hate the way the Queen leads us! ....
  3. C

    Police respond to an 'animal liberation' protest...

    Heh, did they expect abattoir workers to be gentle, harmless types or something?
  4. C

    Republic vs Monarchy

    The only people who care about that are 2nd gen asian kids who don't understand our connection with Britain anyway. There, I said it.
  5. C

    auto or manual

    Yep. This is why I [am a male and] drive auto. I see no real purpose in anyone driving a manual other than those who like to indulge in stupid fantasies about being race drivers.
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    Republic vs Monarchy

    If the 'President' or other head of state equivalent was only going to have the same amount of political power as the current Queen/GG do, what's the point? Why do we need to change from one head of state who doesn't do much at all, to another? I'd rather have the tradition and celebrity...
  7. C


    But you're a fag so your opinion doesn't count.
  8. C

    not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers

    Though there are certain people in the world who hold HP to be more sacred than some Christians, The Bible.
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    not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers

    Why do the testimonies not count? How else can you explain their existance? Your post typifies much Atheist thought in so far as it dismisses any evidence presented in accordance with its own presuppositions. As for documents thousands of years old, the people here would probably disagree...
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    20yrs since Chernobyl

    It more accurately showcased the dangers of nuclear power when one uses a reactor whose design was condemned by the British in the 50's and is so different from the reactors used today that the same thing physically cannot happen.
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    20yrs since Chernobyl

    Of 500,000 people who were alive 20 years ago, at least 20,000 are now dead. :eek: :eek:
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    20yrs since Chernobyl

    Why do we need to mark the 20th anniversary of something that killed about 50 people?
  13. C

    Remembering the Veterans - Australian soldiers only?

    spellcheck and anyone who agrees with him should go here. Wouldn't click if you're easily offended, though.
  14. C

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    I'm one of those 3 things, is that good enough? ;)
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    Prestige of Uni

    So... What happens if you went to a university with less prestige than ovesized tafe?
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    Do You Believe In "Love"

    The eskimo language has about a hundred words for snow, but that has nothing to do with this thread.
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    urgent help physics

    a microvault?
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    Architecture appears to be much like the internets, then. Serious business.
  19. C

    Does God exist?

    Do you believe there are such things as absolute right and wrong?
  20. C

    Does God exist?

    To me that sounds exactly like the God of the Bible :p So, you are agnostic?