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  1. C


    Is that what you meant to say?
  2. C

    rejection - ur best lie...

    "I'm not that desperate"
  3. C

    Exam Timetable - Semester 1 2006

    No way, I think the uni is nice at night. Especially that path how it says not to walk down there after dark for safety. So naturally I do it all the time.
  4. C

    Does God exist?

    So we'd agree that all you're actually saying is 'some people may or may not be doing what I think they should be doing if they believed in God, therefore God doesn't exist'?
  5. C

    population decline and all that

    But by the time we're old, the population will be mostly young again, so we'll be eating cat food.
  6. C

    Does God exist?

    That's the problem with this thread, it consists of religious people arguing against what they think non-religious people think, and then non-religious people arguing against what they think religious people think. No. How exactly do you expect people to act? Because it seems to be based on...
  7. C

    Does God exist?

    I think NTB is right in the sense that, of the 2 billion or so people considered to be Christian in the world, (maybe some Muslims and Hindus too), most were just born to parents of that religion and don't actually believe in it. This agrees with the fact that > 90% of Americans are...
  8. C

    Calculators - which are the best and what do you use?

    Casio fx82 AU, saves a lot of time when entering long expressions with a lot of fractions, powers and roots and such. Couldn't go back to a calculator with a linear display.
  9. C

    What's with girls being attracted to adlays?

    You know we have Laws, right?
  10. C

    The Beaconsfield miners

    Re: Two trapped miners found alive! What's that I see flying out of the window? Oh, it's any credibility you might have had when you claim to be of the 'left'. Anyway, so Bill Shorten thinks these two poor guys had the IR reforms on their mind when the collapse occured. Such immeasurable...
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    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    I don't see why he'd hate it for that reason. If anything, the alternative perspectives we must learn would make us more inclined to accept conservative ideals.
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    Muslim People in Australia

    Great post. I think we would need considerable evidence that the average Muslim was actually a rabid fundamentalist before there'd be any reasonable grounds to discriminate with regards to letting them live here. On the other hand, I really am afraid we'll end up like England where they...
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    But you didn't really have any point apart from a long rant about the Catholic church, and no one here ever said anything in support of them.
  14. C

    Does God exist?

    What exactly were you trying to argue Katie? You seemed to have no coherant point throughout that long post and agreed with what I was saying half the time.
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    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    The article's being a bit generous there, I mean But you're actually discouraged from 'exploring the play's themes, structure, setting, character and language' because it's not worth any marks. Look at the English forum, it's all like "omg what production can I use to support a Marxist...
  16. C

    Republic vs Monarchy

    I'm a 'monarchist' if you like, but still, saying that greater social inequality in America is a product of it being a republic, is a horrible argument.
  17. C

    Muslim People in Australia Fascinating.
  18. C

    nice guys

    1. Constructive theory and the neocapitalist paradigm of reality The main theme of the works of Stone is a mythopoetical reality. In a sense, a number of sublimations concerning the common ground between society and sexuality exist. Sontag suggests the use of Derridaist reading to modify and...
  19. C

    nice guys

    Looks like someone found the Postmodernism Generator.