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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    What sort of evidence would you require?
  2. C

    Law degrees "useless"

    Off topic, but that's a completely accurate description of first year science, or at least just physics for me. Enough to make me hate physics forever.
  3. C

    Does God exist?

    Why is there no possible evidence? To say this you would first have to have seen all evidence that could exist, which is not possible.
  4. C

    Which Do You Think Is Harder?

    EE2 is in all probability, easier to do but harder to master. Plus within a few year of uni maths most of MX2 is covered if you need it anyway.
  5. C

    Does God exist?

    Cosmology and evolutionary theory have nothing to do with whether God exists. This thread appears to have turned into "people who know about science getting bored with people who don't know about science", or perhaps even "does science exist?"
  6. C

    not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers

    Go here and leave this thread alone thanks. While you're wrong about the lack of evidence and I'll happily engage in a lengthy theological debate with you in the above thread (not that anyone's been able to do that after 100 pages or so) you're also statistically wrong about normal people.
  7. C

    Junk Food Causing Childhood Obesity:

    Kids aren't entirely in control of what they eat, you know. Mostly they eat it because their parents give it to them. Teach parents not to be lazy and ignorant about food and just keep handing their kids more cash to spend on junk food.
  8. C

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    Fucking knights... couldn't win the reserve grade comp
  9. C

    Does God exist?

    One could also say that since I am a Protestant and all of the above attrocities were commited by the Catholic Church they haven't anything to do with me either. Anyway, to re-state the above point, when someone acts in a manner contrary to the teachings or rules of a group or organisation...
  10. C

    Does God exist?

    ffs didn't you read my post? ffs didn't you read my post? Between the two of you you managed to contradict each other, too. What's the point of discussing something if you don't read what I say?
  11. C

    Does God exist?

    LOL Find me a Biblical passage that says "Go from Europe to the Holy Land and kill Muslims" or "Establish a Church whose clergy shall sexually abuse children and hide it" and I'll renounce my belief straight away. That's about as valid as saying that Stalin and Mao were atheists, therefore...
  12. C

    Which University is good for B Law/(something)

    Stop hijacking his thread. From what I can tell, for law, in order from most awesome to least awesome you'd have: -University of Sydney -University of New South Wales -Maquarie University -University of Western Sydney But then it depends on how much UAI you can get.
  13. C

    Is the federal Coalition government in decline: consequences?

    AL-who? No seriously, [unfortunately?] most Australians don't care about about our relationship with Indonesia just so long as they think they're getting good value for money on their mortgages.
  14. C

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    They should combine speed limiters with GPS to prevent any speeding at all.
  15. C

    how young is 2 young??

    Old enough to pee, old enough for me
  16. C

    Your rights at uni rally

    That's the only reason they're bringing in VSU, because Mr. Howard has a rabid hatred of anything with the name "Union". If they'd called themselves the "Students Association" or something it'd never have happened.
  17. C

    The Official "Argue with waf" Thread

    Waf, is it acceptable for all notions of environmental conservation to be discarded for the sake of the free market? Or would you be willing to have some economic inefficiency for the sake of protecting certain environmental/natural/heritage sites?
  18. C

    Does God exist?

    You have heard that it was said, "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth." But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to...