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  1. C

    School students and the right to take part in strike action

    It can't be called any more of an infringement on their 'rights' any more than the fact that they legally have to be at school every day from 5 - 15 already is.
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    The mysterious X's

    Tonight there was one on that metal beam thingy up in the air when you turn left at the main entrance, near the multi-story car park. They're pretty dedicated.
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    Being worse can it get??

    Far point of 15 cm would be close to 7.7. At least you're safe from being shot in the eyes.
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    Man puts baby in dryer I think everyone's wondered at least once what would happen. Now we know.
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    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    OMG AN OPINION PIECE ISN'T OBJECTIVE? You must have totally studied Frontline to have known that. But seriously, what was far more subjective and worrying was when Wayne Sawyer, the president of the NSW English Teachers Association and chairman of the NSW Board of Studies English...
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    The mysterious X's

    The Uni is in a conspiracy with the directors of xmen 3 whereby they exchange subliminal advertising for debt relief.
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    Looking Ahead

    Okay, when u do a combined degree, u just do the courses (subjects) of both degrees, ie. there [probably] aren't any 'engineering law' subjects, you'd just do all the courses you need to qualify for the B Engineering and all the courses needed for the LLB. The IB is an alternative to the...
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    Islamic Sex Education in Australia

    Excellent, so you do have certain moral standards that dictate your views and are no less biased than those of a fundamentalist Muslim. Then we can invoke moral relativism and say that your views on both these things are no more universally true than those of the fundamentalist Muslim and...
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    Should marijuana be legalised?

    If that's true then isn't it evidence that legalising a drug increases its use? Now if people have 'gone off the rails' due to alcohol, this is not a reason to legalise other drugs, but a warning against it. Alcohol and cigarettes are legal largely because their use is too widespread to be...
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    Islamic Sex Education in Australia

    Re: Islamic sex education There are also increasing numbers of Muslims in Western Europe. Hmmm... (Come on people, 1 guess at what origin "Sahjda Bibi" had) But does the thread starter think this is okay?
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    Should marijuana be legalised?

    For the 2nd time, argument from the legality of alcohol and cigarettes is not logical because one harmful substance being legal is not a valid reason for making other harmful substances legal.
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    A future for nuclear power In NSW/Australia?

    If even high school level nuclear physics were made compulsory then opposition to [green, glowing] nuclear power would disappear.
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    The crisis in East Timor

    Woah, Godwin's Law on the first page of a thread, that's pretty quick. There is a difference between appeasing Indonesia and helping out every provence that wants to separate from them. Imagine if an insignificant state or province of Australia, eg. Victoria, wanted to separate from us and...
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    Should marijuana be legalised?

    You're all thinking about it the wrong way around. If something harmful is legal, that does not mean something else that is also harmful should be legal.
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    Child rape, violence in remote communities

    --- IMHO the 'anti-abo' sentiments are coming from the people who put up the posters/organise protests and are using the words 'stolen generation' to stop kids from being saved. You are grouping people by the colour of their skin, as if all Westeners (presumably people of European...
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    Child rape, violence in remote communities

    I don't know enough to say, but some would argue that the rape and such existed under tribal law 200 years ago, too. The resources shouldn't be poured into the settlements, but I think some welfare or resources of some kind would be well used assissting them to 'move closer to where jobs do exist'.
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    Child rape, violence in remote communities

    Seems pretty obvious doesn't it? The law and order aspect likely only comes about as a result of the poverty. If there are no jobs there, then paying for healthcare and housing is just pouring money down a black hole (no pun intended, because the same result would occur if you stuck any kind...
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    Child rape, violence in remote communities WHY can we look after, say, East Timor or the...
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    The crisis in East Timor

    Well if Indonesia didn't just sit there, it wouldn't be anarchic for too long.