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  1. bored of sc

    how many units do you plan to do for the hsc?

    10 if I do average in extension maths this year (drop PDHPE or Chemistry) 11 if I do good in extension maths (drop PDHPE or Chemistry and pick up Extension 2 Maths) 11 if I do shit in extension maths (drop extension maths) most probably will be 10 units :)
  2. bored of sc

    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    Extension English Physics Biology Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Food Technology Earth and Environmental Science Music 2/Extension (maybe) That's about
  3. bored of sc

    English Speech!

    You should get a 2 week extension. :) At least.
  4. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Meh, at least you feel kinda smart before you end up getting your shit UAI :).
  5. bored of sc

    State rankings

    Both - internal and external, the average of the two; and if that average is x.5 then they round it up to x+1 if that makes sense. A girl at my school got 100% in the Studies of Religion external exam but she was ranked 13th in the state. This means her internal mark pulled her down a little.
  6. bored of sc

    my year 11 subjects

    Are you enjoying maths, english and science now? As for science and maths, if you like them then study becomes that much easier. As for english, the same applies but it just looks as though you are more mathematically inclined. Good luck with your choices.
  7. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    I do PDHPE, yer, no one does it on here - I think it is considered a little too easy - but I find it challenging just by the sheer volume of content we have to wade through. As for the people on here, on a general level, more people do the sciences and extensions. Which is good, less competition...
  8. bored of sc

    Who does senior geography:D

    well done - you have an obvious aptitude for the subject
  9. bored of sc

    English Speech!

    Here is the english speech we have to do in four weeks. Students are to prepare a 4 to 6 minute speech on a poet/poem of their choice. The presentation is to respond to the following statement: 'Poetry provides an opportuity to reveal and explore commonalities of human experience...
  10. bored of sc

    Who does senior geography:D

    For me, the skills and sciency side to it was great but its the annoying essays and humanity-related subject matter that bugged me. That project you have to do sounds FUN! What are the restrictions/limitations as far as choosing you projects theme/topic?
  11. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: Holiday Plans Its good that everyone is studying - keeping the subjects fresh in your mind and creating consistency and continuity :). Um, my holidays: First week - study, surf, skate, play sport, run, eat, hang with friends, go on this to study/BOS/myspace/MSN and various other random...
  12. bored of sc

    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    In order to attempt to solve some misunderstandings - A = 85-100% B = 65-84% C = 45-64% D = 25-44% E = 0-24% i think it can obviously change from school to school and marking critera can change this alot but this is the standard mark/grade correlation... so 13/20...
  13. bored of sc

    Biggest barrier

    that sums up my thoughts perfectly - on the bright side maddy, technology can definitely turn against you - cars/buses breaking down the day your assignments/exams are on and probably even worse - addictions to television and the internet you'll be fine :)
  14. bored of sc

    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    A B isn't that bad - depending on the hardest of the test/standards of marking a B in an extension course is great.
  15. bored of sc

    Detention? Aren't we in 'big school' now?

    A dude in my grade got an in class detention for jumping in a puddle and splashing around - soaking himself. Then the teacher came up to him, and well you can predict what happened next.
  16. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    yer, same as you, quite good but there is alot of content - and do plan on making summaries this holidays :( well done on that mark
  17. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    great work - maybe your excellent English skills are uncovering themselves sorry - but you will make up for those marks I bet :)
  18. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    PDHPE assignment about drugs -18/20 - 90% - A - rank = equal 1st!! yippee! :) Congrats to the rest of you - I'm sure your marks are representative of your efforts. you'll be fine foram - you'll get over it and probably end up topping your school or something learn from this mistake...
  19. bored of sc

    3 unit maths HELP

    Inequalities with the pronumeral in the denominator (our school's way): > Multiply each side by the denominator squared. > Rearrange the equation so everything is equal to zero. > Factorise (possible). > Solve for the pronumeral (either through factorisation, quad formula etc) like you are...
  20. bored of sc

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Hey again y'all. Today was quite the day. PDHPE - got assessment back - 18/20!!! - rank equal 1st - :) so surprised! English - talked about poems/questions about a speech we have on poetry. Free - did research on John Donne for speech. Maths - did Permutations and Combinations more - I...