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  1. bored of sc

    Preliminary Eco Help!

    With reference to wikipedia and other internet sites... A mixed economy is a system that has come about by incorporating more than one type of economic system (see wiki for examples of economic systems). Laissez faire literally means to "let-do." So such an economy is one founded on free...
  2. bored of sc

    How many words in one minute?

    don't forget quality over quantity :)
  3. bored of sc

    Help with Permutations and Combinations

    thanks heaps for that foram - you got it spot on thanks also for that very handy beads tip :)
  4. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    please don't be like that - wanting to die at anything under 100% - it depresses us mere mortals who receive B's, C's and even D's :(
  5. bored of sc

    How difficult/easy is your subject?

    After the first set of assessment tasks they have changed a fair bit Religion - 9.5 English - 5.5 Maths - 9 Extension Maths - 5 Music - 8.5 PDHPE - 9 Chemistry - 6 haven't got any music or pdhpe tasks back though
  6. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    you actually couldn't much better at all, I think you just want people to point out your excellence like I am doing right now well done! :)
  7. bored of sc

    Help with Permutations and Combinations

    What techniques are needed in order to effectively solve permutation and combination questions every time??? Diagrams with scribbling on them, taking each step one at a time, checking your working thoroughly, getting realistic solutions and linking parts (a) (b) etc in questions. But what...
  8. bored of sc

    Othello quotes/language techniques

    there you go, actually I do like it at the moment - we are doing poetry and speeches - right up my alley :) with the techniques in those three lines - "fall in love" is almost a cliche these days - so from a modern perspective it can means love is overrated and idolised and thus...
  9. bored of sc

    Biggest barrier

    true that - where can I join this club of the kids with unknown future plans?
  10. bored of sc

    Biggest barrier

    the ability to understand concepts/topics before you move on to the next topic - permutations is so HARD for me - lucky we are still on it :) time to understand it also, as you've said super smart, consistent, motivated kids - one chick in my grade never gets below an A - if she does she is...
  11. bored of sc

    Othello quotes/language techniques

    1. anthropomorphism? - giving animal characteristics to a human body part (ear) - hmmm, well if not it is uses alliteration (devour up my discourse is a strong/powerful syllabic sound) which has a brutal and unpleasant effect on the ear/auditory imagery (negative), thus mirroring the negative...
  12. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    :) as for the silly mistakes - we all make em - even foram and lynomau (spelling?)
  13. bored of sc

    How do teachers think of you and your year?

    Depends on the subject. English - we are considered one of the best grades to ever go through the junior years. Mathematics - meh Science - I think we are a bit shit - cause in Chem we are constantly told off for talking in class and underestimating the amount of work required in the...
  14. bored of sc

    English Supplementary Material Topic: Change

    yer, John Donne's 'Batter my Heart, three person'd God; for you' it is about how Donne has a damned soul and suffering terribly with the burden of sin and thus, he wants God to dominate/take control of/"bend" him back to a restored, morally correct state; he wants God to accept him and renew his...
  15. bored of sc

    SOR 2U Assessment Task help

    some helpful knowledge... hopefully Kathleen Miller - was dispossesed and assimilated into Cootamundra Girl's Training School in the 1940's - she was there from ages 10-15 - she was trained as a domestic servant and was told to live like the white person - when she was 18 she went back to...
  16. bored of sc

    Othello Thoughts

    Here - its from sparknotes by the way - too easy :) good site
  17. bored of sc

    ext english related texts gothic.

    Mary Shelly's FRANKENSTEIN
  18. bored of sc

    English Advance Help!!! ASAP

    Feature articles are a combination of fact and opinion - bias facts if you wish. You should get all the facts exact and then add your educated opinion to it. You use often emotive, persuasive and heart-felt words in the piece of writing. The best way to do this effectively is to get a...