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  1. C

    The Ranking of Ye School.

    Basically with your marks you'd be maybe somewhere in the middle of the rankings if you went to say, James Ruse, and so you'd get your internals dragged up by other people's external marks. So you don't get that help from a lower ranked school. That can make the exams a bit more stressful...
  2. C

    Is english pointless?

    A compulsory politics course you say? If that course were written by the same academics who devised English, I would fear for our future.
  3. C

    The Ranking of Ye School.

    It doesn't matter. At all. Whatsoever. Stop listening to stupid people. If you're getting marks in the 90's you're absolutely certain to get at least a mid 90's UAI, if you contine to do so thru to the HSC. Your subjects scale well enough (they certainly don't scale badly) and a...
  4. C

    Interview rejection

    I have been rejected following 7 (I think) interviews out of 7 interviews that I have done. I advise to anyone that knowing how to talk to other people is probably a fairly valuable sort of ability.
  5. C

    darker or lighter?

    Under this new definition, 99.99% of people in the world are also "dark".
  6. C

    Is english pointless?

    Why, you're absolutely right. Prior to completing HSC English I would not have been able to type this post. ... Seriously though, it is useful for what it does, it just doesn't do the right thing. Firstly we need to accept that no matter what the course content is, at least 60 - 90% of...
  7. C

    darker or lighter?

    y hallo thar
  8. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    Well to be fair, the stolen generation didn't really occur at all, so you could quite easily place it anywhere from 30 to 200 years ago.
  9. C

    career paths?

    Didn't you abandon maths to spend a lifetime in isolation examining trees or something? What if maths doesn't want you back?
  10. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    As much as in my personal, private opinion I would hypothetically have a preference for having one parent at home for my own children, this is one of the most absurd generalisations I've yet seen on this forum (which is saying quite a lot). You are suggesting first that children with...
  11. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    In his opinion, the right of a sovereign nation to determine who is allowed to reside within it, is actually white racialism. So yeah.
  12. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    An Australia not invaded by the British would have been invaded by the French a little later instead, or failing that, they would now all be either Muslims, speaking Japanese or completely gone.
  13. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    Dude, Shakespeare isn't philosophy or scientific discoveries. I was talking about literature. How many Arabic speaking, well, Arabs, do you suppose have read Austen compared to Al-Kwhatever, and the same thing for us.
  14. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    Historically speaking one proposed reason for Islam stagnating is the Mongol invasion, where some 800,000 people were killed just in the conquest of Baghdad. I mean it's not necessarily the religion that dictates how far they can advance; if the Koran said "Thou shalt develop science to a...
  15. C

    Why does everyone become so satirical during/after the HSC?

    Most of the 60 or 70 thousand odd HSC sitters from year to year don't have the brains to write satire! And most of those that do, do extension english two, so they're conditioned to write about really boring stuff anyway.
  16. C

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    ...Actually they weren't Australians at all until 1967.
  17. C

    darker or lighter?

    ...if you can put up with the smell long enough to have sex with him
  18. C

    Interracial relationships

    "Oh baby, that was great... but why do I suddenly have the urge to slaughter jews?" "You're so hot, you make me wanna invade Poland" I guess you got a good point there.
  19. C

    do you feel you have ever been treatred differently based on your religious beliefs?

    Re: do you feel you have ever been treatred differently based on your religious belie I AM A CHRISTIAN I AM A CHRISTIAN I AM A CHRISTIAN I AM A CHRISTIAN I AM A CHRISTIAN I AM A CHRISTIAN "Trolls for Jesus"
  20. C

    Democrat for Senate: Death penalty for practicing 'gays'

    Only in America could something like this happen. Oh, wait, except for all those theocratic countries. The main difference being is that no one will take him seriously.