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  1. Shadowdude

    Commerce or economics? USYD or UNSW? - Need help with preferences

    Yes, the undergraduate books have to be short. I mean... they print thousands of them. All you need to know is in the Handbook but it'll only make real sense to you when you're a uni student because most of the terminology is foreign to you right now.
  2. Shadowdude

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    Like: - Free piano on campus - Free stapler on campus
  3. Shadowdude

    Wanting to Drop 2 Subjects for Year 12

    Well, I know for my HSC at least - our Prelim and HSC work was disjoint. I felt that I could've jumped in to EX1 at the start of the HSC course and did fine... Though I wouldn't have a "year"'s worth of experience with EX1 style essays and writing, etc.
  4. Shadowdude


    Few years ago? More like last month, the month before, the month before that, the month before the month I just mentioned, ...
  5. Shadowdude

    Commerce or economics? USYD or UNSW? - Need help with preferences

    Read the course outlines on the Handbooks. Why? Because they outline the subjects and requirements for your degree. For example, I recall hearing about Sydney Uni's old requirement to learn a language for a Pure Mathematics major - with the aim that "students must know how to read mathematical...
  6. Shadowdude

    A "good" WAM

    Maths HD average? omgwtfbbq
  7. Shadowdude

    Wanting to Drop 2 Subjects for Year 12

    Why can't you take EX1 at school?
  8. Shadowdude

    Is it too late to pick up Legal Studies?

    True, but if your marks aren't that great - then they probably will say no. This is because you do need the Prelim content to do the HSC, it's background material they'll assume you know. Why do marks matter? Because if you're not seen as very academically capable - then the school...
  9. Shadowdude

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    heh what do you know probably we got confused with the university of north south wisconsin too much :(
  10. Shadowdude

    Lance Armstrong to be stripped of titles

    Well, these things have like legal costs and whatnot...
  11. Shadowdude

    Methods to study English

    You can always just talk to or listen to people who speak English very well, or fluently. I mean, that's how we all us native English speakers learned to speak it in the first place...
  12. Shadowdude

    Is UWS really as bad as everyone gives it credit for??

    I looked at the Advanced Science courses at UWS and I was like: "no maths major?! what even"
  13. Shadowdude

    Binomial probability

    Multinomial. what what
  14. Shadowdude

    Part Time Job Post-HSC

    Retail. Checkout chick.
  15. Shadowdude

    Random L&R Story thread

    you guys didn't realise he was back before?
  16. Shadowdude

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    I liked those tents. You walked out onto the field and it was like... a post-apocalyptic waste land. Eerie. But so, so cool.
  17. Shadowdude

    The Asian Music Thread

    anyone go to that kpop concert at unsw today
  18. Shadowdude

    Is UWS really as bad as everyone gives it credit for??

    WHO CARES WOT U WANT TO STUDY UNSW ENGINEERING OR-- oh More seriously, if worst comes for worst, you can always transfer out of UWS if you don't like it.
  19. Shadowdude

    Should the top students be worried about, or thanking the low achieving students....

    Re: Should the top students be worried about, or thanking the low achieving students. Personally, I think you should keep your eye on how well you're going - which translates to a higher rank, and a lower mark differential from those ranked above you. It's really your goal when you're in the HSC.
  20. Shadowdude

    Is UWS really as bad as everyone gives it credit for??

    Probably because they can get into what is perceived as a better university. Or other reasons like, "It's UWS - I'd rather do Arts at ___ and transfer into what I want there" or "UWS no offer course i like :( " or something... Personally, I wouldn't really like to go to UWS... it gives me a...