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  1. C

    What does "You're a Nice Guy" Actually Mean?

    "You're a nice guy" is an open invitation for rape. Or at least that's how I'm going to interpret it from now on. Thus I shall never again become stuck as a 'friend', either way.
  2. C


    Dirty huh? I don't recall any strange questions in the application. Some people get all the luck, what with him rejecting 2 other offers. Oh well, I'd, err, rather not have EA owning me for 5 years (which they pretty much did if u read the terms) anyway. Or something.
  3. C

    T-Rex: Scavenger or Predator?

    Yesterday I was reading a website by some Christian fundi about creationist science, and for one reason or another they made the point that T-Rex had extremely shallow roots for its teeth, which would mean its teeth would get ripped out if it took a bite out of an animal. (he went on to say...
  4. C

    Pocket Knives

    Nononono In this country you don't defend yourself. You hope to god the police happen to be right where you are when you get attacked. We should ban all sharp and/or pointy objects, they're almost as bad as the evil guns.
  5. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Clearly Christmas (and why not easter too) are now secular holidays. Plus they were originally pagan festivals, and magic is pretty pagan-ish.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    Pretty much. You'd think that people these days would be smarter or harder to convince.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    I see. That makes me wonder why it is the Socialist Alliance and co are so horribly out of touch with the views of some 99% of actual working people. Also, God seems to have beenused to support both sides of the argument...
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    Isn't judging a whole group based on experience with one person something you guys have a word for?
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    I think you meant to post this in the Islam discussion thread.
  10. C

    anyone else don't believe in love?

    Thus spoke the pedophile.
  11. C

    difference in exam and assessment marks

    All exactly the same except English which differed by 3. Yay for coming first.
  12. C

    What didn't count in your UAI calculation?

    I did 11 units, with the extra being maths extension 1. In this I got only 38/50, and that was enough to make this unit count over one unit of Ancient History, in which I got 89/100. I think that AH scaling so poorly is kinda unfair, it's not easy to get top marks in it.
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    BOS RPG Thread.

    *casts magic missile*
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    Tongue or No Tongue?

    I like it when both parties use their tongue like they're George Bush invading a 3rd world country.
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    ABC: Young Singers Spread Racist Hate

    Have you read any of PB's lyrics? At all? They are primarily about Norse mythology and folklore.
  16. C

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    Could you imagine an asian man with a negress? I mean seriously, could you? Really? I couldn't.
  17. C

    ABC: Young Singers Spread Racist Hate

    So how come their entrance to the country is protested, but that of, say 50 Cent, is not?
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    Muslim People in Australia

    You can't really say that Soviet Russia was steadfast to communism, either. And yet...
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    **The Official LED ZEPPELIN thread**

    Clearly everyone knows they only chose the lyrics to be the closest real english words once they created the backward satanic messages.
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    Disabled people

    DISABILITY One in five people in Australia (3,958,300 or 20%) had a reported disability in 2003. A further 4,149,000 (21%) had a long-term health condition that did not restrict their everyday activities. The remaining 11,703,800 (59%) had neither a disability nor a long term health...