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  1. C

    PLEASE READ: key to maths exam on monday

    Which reminds me of a story about a guy from Denmark who was sitting some exams for his physics degree at university, and one of the questions asked how you could use a barometer to calculate the height of a skyscraper. His solutions included "tie it to the end of a ball of string, and let it...
  2. C

    PLEASE READ: key to maths exam on monday

    Oh good. I couldn't be fucked studying anyway.
  3. C

    question 9 and 10

    In all the 1990's papers, Q's 9 and 10 were, as you said, mainly max/min problems or series applications. But in the last few years they seem to have been using all different topics.
  4. C

    Did you mention productions in King Lear?

    I made references to the productions and briefly discussed how that production portrayed a particular reading, just to provide an example to prove such an interpretation had in fact been made. However, I spent most of my essay discussing the language features used by Shakespeare.
  5. C

    which counts more? paper 1 or paper 2?

    .4*(AoS mark as a percentage) + .6*(Modules mark as a percentage)
  6. C

    who felt like crying - THREE poems for Harwood?? (merged)

    No. There has only EVER been ONE supp. text for AoS, the 2 is a lie perpetuated by paranoid English teachers. The 3 specified were all part of the set text for Module B, and well within BoS' right to do so, as they did last year with "2 extracts".
  7. C

    To all those complaining about Section B

    You, on the other hand, have an excess of dick-like qualities.
  8. C

    The future of you english notes...

    Don't laugh at him you guys; I'm sure he can analyse the relationships between text and context and explore the way texts are... yeah, that syllabus stuff... just as well as you or I. And that makes his literary skills equal to or greater than ours; remember, an interpretation of a text and...
  9. C

    To all those complaining about Section B

    Why are there 40 year olds on BOS? And why does Schroedinger have so much pent up rage?
  10. C

    Chem vs Phys

    The Facts: They don't relate at all, unless you do "Chemistry of Art" and "Quanta to Quarks" as your electives, in which case the overlap is minimal anyway Chemistry is not useful for university entry unless you're actually going to do chemistry at university. Duh. The chemistry course is...
  11. C

    The future of you english notes...

    I was going to upload all my notes and practise essays to BoS, but then I realised they all came directly from here in the first place anyway.
  12. C

    How many pages did you write?

    ... ... ?
  13. C

    Module C: Telling The Truth - Frontline

    That would consist of a single letter on each line, something to the effect of I N F R O N T L I N E...
  14. C

    How many pages did you write?

    Are you a pathological liar?
  15. C

    Essays X 3

    and then, Right. All inter-science-disciplinary jokes aside, I'm also a pure maths and science girl, and, yes, it could have been much, much worse.
  16. C

    How many pages did you write?

    8/7/6... Left too little time for Module C, it just suddenly ends with no conclusion.
  17. C

    Module B The tragedy of King Lear

    Because it's been on that like 3/4 of the previous years. I'm also a production memoriser, but I just took the quotes that I used to justify the various things the producers did, and expanded on them without actually making reference to the production. ie. instead of <producer> makes...
  18. C

    Module A: Emma and Clueless

    Same. I must have used the word 'value' no less than 200 time in that essay. Got 8 pages filled, though.
  19. C

    Module B The tragedy of King Lear

    Construction, language and... yeah, something else. I hope a whole bunch of kids went in there with all productions memorised and fail because they know nothing about the original text.
  20. C

    Module B The tragedy of King Lear

    Yep. Although I had a lot prepared to write about productions, which seemed less relevant to this question?