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  1. C


    Just for that, I'm going to memorise ALL my essays, to the exact WORD, and not even change them to address the new question. In fact, I'm going to DELIBERATELY ADDRESS THE CORRESPONDING 2004 HSC PAPER QUESTION IN ALL OF MY ENGLISH ESSAYS, FOLLOWED BY MY BAND-6-LEVEL (for that question)...
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    Brendan Nelson Has A Go At The Education System (Again).....

    I agree with wrong_turn, whatever we do with the education systems, it should be done at a temperature of 400 - 500 degrees and under high pressure.
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    1 textbook. 1 blue pen. 1 writing pad 10 hours. Do it the real man's way.
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    is it in the course????

    Force on a moving particle in a magnetic field is under Ideas to Implementations in the Cathode Ray Tube section, eg. F = qvBsinX. (Force = charge*velocity*magnetic field*sine of angle) You should probably be aware of what makes a motor more or less efficient, I'm not sure if it's directly in...
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    3 questions..please help

    Both of the second 2 questions are from dotpoints that were removed after 2002. (circular motion, communication with satellites) You can still do the 2nd one though. Hmm... 2pi*r/T is just diameter/period or distance/time, but that's been taken out. (Now if you ever see a question about...
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    VET courses: "less than useful'

    From what I've seen, it's got very little to do with the content of the courses, and more to do with the fact that the only people who even take VET courses are bogans who would end up jobless anyway.
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    Anyone else?

    That's silly. If you actually did the physics course properly, you would probably pick up the "where the formulas came from" or "the forces acting on the object" at some stage. And it's not like 3 unit projectile motion is so amazing either, you pretty much do the exact same process every...
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    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    Of course... but the list is good for knowing what you won't have prepared long response answers for after having done all the past papers.
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    2004 HSC School Stats

    No it's not. It's actually a secret government run conspiracy whereby the aliens that they found in whatever the Australian equivalent of Area 51 might be, are harvested (hence the agricultural part) for their enormous brain power and put to work on the... HSC (??) in a conspiracy to bring the...
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    Safe launch and LAnding Mechanism

    But if it were placed in the middle of Australia, it would be useless, because the middle of Australia is far too far away from anything for anyone to bother transporting their various space-bound items there.
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    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    Too many long mark q's dedicated solely to Einstein already. Agree on the slingshot effect, but I honestly don't see them having "Q22... Outline Galileo's analysis of projectile motion..." Multiple choice questions are way too random to take into consideration, plus nobody worries about what...
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    Standard Model This site will provide all the information you could ever need for answering a question on the standard model. If it comes up in the HSC, just think of this site and you'll be fine.
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    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    Ok, this is ignoring the multiple choice questions, there's no use trying to predict them anyway. Obviously the exam paper will have content that was also in the previous 4 exams; there's pretty much always going to be projectile motion question, a question on a motor, a question on...
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    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    lol... I'll paraphrase the dotpoints then.
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    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    The dotpoint in Space about the rocket scientists hasn't been in any of them yet. They asked about Einstein in 2003, and probably a few others I can't remember, so I'd say there's a decent chance of it being put in. Edit: Should I go through every exam paper and the syllabus and post a...
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    Time planning

    Force myself to get up/go to bed early, break my 6 subjects into 2 groups of 3, do 2.5 hours of each of 3 subjects on one day, then 2.5 hours of each of the other 3 subjects on the 2nd day, and repeat until the HSC starts. Then 3 weeks from now if I've got any braincells left I'll readjust to...
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    uniform or mufty

    It can't just be any photo ID like a liscence or passport though, it has to be one with the school's logo on it, and hence you'll generally be wearing school uniform in such a photo.
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    High school activism YAY!

    All High School students are too stupid and unimportant to have opinions, let alone express them publicly. Furthermore, 'youth leadership' or 'youth activism' etc. are oxy-morons.