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  1. C

    English Advanced 2005 HSC Paper

    I'd say easier, 3 essays.
  2. C

    Module C: Telling The Truth - Frontline

    Holy shit! I didn't write 25 pages for everything put together...
  3. C

    2 hours and a bit left...

    Aargh. I like to think of it more as '4 hours until it's over'.
  4. C


    Right. Er... Good luck kids.
  5. C

    HSC Has Ruined My Sleeping!

    I used to have a great job, a wife and kids and my own house. The HSC ruined my life. *passes out in the gutter with a bottle of liquor in one hand and HSC notes in the other.*
  6. C

    These Exams Blow!

    I disagree, and would like to propose an alternative theory: These exams suck. This is clearly evident in English Paper II, "Modules", in which the composer uses techniques such as "three questions that require us to ramble on with various knoweldge that I don't have". This is an obvious...
  7. C

    Shouldn't you be studying?

    Yes. *is going to die tomorrow*
  8. C


    It's true. From where I am right now (cramming english), studying for maths and physics seems like fun.
  9. C

    Who does not give a rats ass abt the HSC? =P

    You should change your username to "emo nazi jew" then.
  10. C

    "F*** the HSC"

    Especially when you've only got 2 days to do it... Or rather 6 hours now.
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    Bloddy funny frontline essay

    I can totally see myself writing something like that tomorrow. *cries*
  12. C

    Bloddy funny frontline essay

    Man, that guy sure could have benefited from my guide to english.
  13. C

    Anybody worried about english paper 2?

    YES! But largely because I know nothing about any of the modules. *is going to fail english*
  14. C

    Am i screwed yet?

    1. You'll get your assessment mark dragged up by all the elite geniuses at your school. 2. AoS is only worth 40% of the overall extenal HSC (tomorrow is more important) anyway.
  15. C

    "F*** the HSC"

    Blargh, try memorising essays! Fuck the HSC!
  16. C

    adapting to past questions

    I disagree. I think for transformations, it's similar to Journeys, where you say "The responder's understanding of transformations..." or "One's understanding of transformations", or "Our understanding of transformations..." and avoid 'my' or 'I'.
  17. C

    King Lear Extracts Probablity?

    I'd say know a lot about the first scene, one of the 'storm' scenes and the final scene, and you'll have a good coverage of stuff to talk about.
  18. C

    Question - "your own interpretation"

    Well, they're not just gonna say "what's your interpretation of the text", but they can, and have, asked for a personal response. So you need to consider stuff like: - Your context and how it effects the way you look at the text - The context in which the original text was written -...
  19. C

    I reckon one module will be a conversation...

    The Captain Predicts: A - Essay B - Speech/conversation/feature article/letter C - Essay