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  1. C

    Previous forms of question in HSC?

    Essay Speech for opening night of an exhibition of the texts A journalist's article for an educational supplement A keynote speaker's presentation at a conference for young writers
  2. C

    Forms of question in previous HSCs?

    I don't know what years, but there has been: Essay Essay Essay Essay. Guess it doesn't matter 'bout the years then.
  3. C

    BURN journeys BURN - MUST SEE!!

    Here's another one:
  4. C

    How did u link Q3 with yourself?

    I think today's paper was deliberately tailored to the memorising kids by the BOS so that when everyone gets really great marks, they can brag about how effective their system is.
  5. C

    How did u link Q3 with yourself?

    lol... that's exactly like what I wrote. (I don't even know what metaphysical means, but it sounded really good... like band 6 stuff.)
  6. C

    Coffs High saw paper 2 ?!?!?!

    The Board will just deny it ever happened, just like they did with the moon landing.
  7. C

    Twas on the news... (Merged)

    I hope when all the results come back, Coffs Harbour High have a disproportionately enormous number of Band 6's in english (eg. the entire cohort), and then the Board offers some half assed explanation like... "It's something in the water up there, we swear."
  8. C

    They gave us the wrong paper

    Pff... she's from Dubbo. She's probably got a moustache.
  9. C

    They gave us the wrong paper

    I go to vic... whatever's school, and I opened the paper, but only saw one question. ... It was the question for "telling the truth" and it said "Discuss the fact that people make up bullshit rumours on the internet".
  10. C

    They gave us the wrong paper

    Dream Headline: English Paper II Cancelled Dream Sub headline: Old ladies from BOS face cat o' nine tails
  11. C

    How many pages did you write for Q2?

    Well I wrote 2.5 pages and it was shit, so I'm doubly fucked.
  12. C

    who ran out of time?!

    The Captain's Creative Writing = 2.5 bos pages :(
  13. C

    Question 1

    I feel dirty... I had to read something from 'The Age'. :(
  14. C

    Thank god its over thread

    Indeed. Suck on that all you anti-prepared essay people!
  15. C

    Question 3 |4 | 5

    I cried with happiness when I saw this question! :D
  16. C

    Energy Drinks

    I take back the green tea remark; The night before (ie. right now), I suggest you drink goon. Lots and lots of goon. That way you can take the goon bag into the exam and use it as a pillow. If the examiner asks why you have a goon bag in the HSC, simply say "arrrgh, mate, that goon we...
  17. C

    Diary entry in paragraphs?

    Yes; it should also have an introduction/orientation and a logical structure and a sort of reflective 'conclusion' and such, and all the various other things that diary entries don't actually have, on account of the fact that it's not really a diary entry.
  18. C

    How likely is 2 related texts????

    Impossible to say with any accuracy. What we can say is that for the last 4 years, it has always said "at least ONE related text...", which means one or two. So you could interpret that as meaning that they'll keep it that way, or you could interpret that as meaning that there's an...
  19. C

    Stimulus Booklet

    Well... Is your related material poetry? It's not really that bad if it's not.