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  1. C

    What question to do first?

    My plan is: Rattle off Section III as quickly as possible while my quotes and techniques are fresh, then I can 'relax' a bit, do Section I and make sure I answer everything fully, then I have the rest of the time to try to come up with something for Section II.
  2. C

    Energy Drinks

    Drink Green Tea, for the win.
  3. C

    Stimulus Booklet

    I'd swap with you... scientists are pretty interesting. Anyway, to anyone stuck on poetry, just do the ivory trail, how hard could it be? Duh... bright colours... superimposition of images... imaginative journeys.
  4. C

    Writing Fast - crash course :D

    I could do that easily, assuming all 1600 words were monosyllabic.
  5. C

    Stimulus Booklet

    Nah, I would advise anyone (if I were giving advice) to be safer and go for a non-poetry stimulus booklet text if they're doing Coleridge as their set text. (it's just that I've only learned JttI and it's too late now)
  6. C

    Less than 24...

    All I have to say to everyone is: Don't listen to him. IT'S A COMPETITION! A FIERCE COMPETITION THAT GAUGES YOUR WORTH AS A HUMAN BEING!!! *evil laugh*
  7. C

    Stimulus Booklet

    Doesn't say a variety of text types, though.
  8. C

    Stimulus Booklet

    Journey to the Interior, for the win. I honestly don't give a fuck about the whole "variety of text types", my essay is so good they're going to have to give me 15, even though i've got poetry/poetry/lyrics.
  9. C

    Journeys in time-"Exemplar"... or

    I bet that kid was probably someone not entirely different from me, who wrote a good essay and good answers to Section I, but can't be creative to save himself. He/she doesn't sound stupid, compared to some of the Band 1 Essay examples.
  10. C

    Feature Article??

    Ok, thanks everyone. The feature article they asked for in... 2001 - 2003, one of those, didn't really have any particular statements for you to make a thesis about, it was just, like, "write a feature article about change", you were pretty much free to use any 'thesis' you wanted to.
  11. C

    Thesis for imag. journey

    My thesis is generally that the realisation comes during the journey, not at the end.
  12. C

    Thesis for imag. journey

    *Turns the 'pseudo-intellectual' setting to MAX* Coleridge's poetry provides metaphysical enlightenment through imaginative exploration, achieved through his use of conversational poetry, enhanced by both subtle and vivid metaphoric devices.... Whatever that means. :D
  13. C

    An explanation is required...

    The question doesn't change much anyway, it'll be something boring and predictable.
  14. C

    Less than 24...

    "until the journey begins" - ugh, WORST PUN EVER!
  15. C

    changing the creative writing stimulus

    Yes, of course you can. In fact, in the past they haven't actually given us a quote to start or end the story, but rather a quote (or image) to use "as the basis for" our story or other form of writing. If this is the case you don't even have to directly include the quote.
  16. C

    Writing Fast - crash course :D

    Don't grip the pen too tightly, hold the page down with your non-writing hand so that you don't have to apply too much pressure to the page with your writing hand, find a pen that's comfortable for you, practise.
  17. C

    How can this be done?

    I don't understand how Could be seen as anything other than false advice to get everyone bad marks. That's complete crap. What else are we doing BUT showing our knowledge of the texts? That's the whole purpose of the thing. Seriously, how on earth can you only use your texts to 'back...
  18. C

    'Emo' Creative Stories?

    In fact, while we're at it, let's be honest: The markers are like... 50-ish, right. So they all have about 30 years more life experience than us. So any attempt we make at being 'deep and meaningful' is going to come across like... Well you know the slightly embarassing feeling you get...
  19. C

    'Emo' Creative Stories?

    I like it... it could be so good that they adopt it into the English syllabus next year as one of the "Transformations" set texts!
  20. C

    'Emo' Creative Stories?

    Depends... If there's some 'emotion' in the piece, because said emotion has something to do with, say, an inner journey the character is undertaking, then it won't hurt. If the story consists of "the journey of a guy whose girlfriend left him so he decided to dress in black and sit in his...