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  1. C

    Feature Article??

    In either Section II (Creative) or Section III (Extended Response), what features, language, structure, etc. etc. is appropriate to use in a "feature article"?? And more importantly, what exactly IS a feature article anyway?
  2. C

    Section 2 possibilities

    Well, maybe Kubla, The Mariner, the guy from the cottage, and the guy from the lime tree bower all got together and went down to the local for some beers. Works for me.
  3. C

    Your standards

    I will dishonour my family and have to commit seppuku if I get under 100 and don't qualify for a B.Med (Hons)/B.Laws (Hons) @ USYD. Actually, I'll die of shame if you get under... 90 I won't tell anyone what you got if you get less than.... 90 I will be satisfied with over... 95 I'll...
  4. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    "The ejaculating chasm in KK is a symbolic reflection of Coleridge's poor performance in bed. Coleridge creates the imaginative journey to escape this reality and create a world where he can satisfy his woman"
  5. C

    Creative - response to sec I texts

    Could be... Hasn't since 2002.
  6. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    He was sexually dysfunctional too? Whoah, now my essay can be about drugs AND erectile problems :D
  7. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    That'd be okay. I was using the other set text for the same elective, which is worse.
  8. C

    Section 2 possibilities

    Actually you're probably right, I'm changing my prediction to Journal Entry, seeing as the last 2 years in a row have been stories, but there hasn't been any journal/diaries yet.
  9. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    While we're at it... Coleridge - On opium Rober Frost - alchoholic Margaret Atwood - "Mushrooms..." Imaginative journeys should be renamed to "hallucinogenic journeys". ... I'm doing History and Memory in Module C, and I was using a text for related material that was also a set...
  10. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    I freaked out yesterday when they told me my Module C Related text was not allowed and I had to start from scratch with a new related text. I think I'll be quite happy after thursday.
  11. C

    Will they ever ask for more than ONE related text (section 3)?

    Everyone should study the following question, then they'll have nothing to fear: <insert post-modernist gibberish here> Answer with reference to your set text, EVERY item in the stimulus booklet, and at least FIVE other related texts of your own choosing.
  12. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    I know Frost at Midnight and This Lime Tree Bower My Prison in depth. Err... I think there's another one about a guy who kills an albatross and another about a mongolian dude :p.
  13. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    Hmm... Our Set Text is defined to be those 4 poems. So if they were to specify a single poem, it would be equivalent to specifying a particular scene in The Tempest, for example. Very unlikely.
  14. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    I dunno, maybe it is in their power, and they've done crazier things in the past (just look at the english syllabus, for one). But it seems odd that they'd phrase the question like, "in your answer, you must refer to your set text, which must be The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner if you're...
  15. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    There are several set texts for imaginative journeys, not just coleridge. However, there is only ONE question for imaginative journeys, and it will say "with reference to YOUR SET TEXT..." Hence it is not possible for them to say which Coleridge poems. Perhaps she thought you meant the...
  16. C

    More than one stimulus booklet text - likely?

    So did my trial. Also, on this forum, don't believe ANYBODY when they say "My teacher said that..." because I've read so many contradictory accounts from different people's "teachers". It is most likely that the question will say "at least ONE item from the stimulus booklet," as it's done...
  17. C

    Colerigde - How many poems?

    I'm going to put this to a definitive end: From the Markers' Comments in 2004: The end.
  18. C

    Section 2 possibilities

    Anywhere from 600 to 1200 words.
  19. C

    Section 2 possibilities

    On Poetry: "Some candidates who chose to write in poetic form were more concerned with establishing a rhyme scheme rather than exploring the concept of a journey." - from the Markers' Comments, 2004. ... As for the question, we had an image in our trial as a stimulus. Some trial papers...
  20. C


    main character