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  1. Born Dancer

    need help asap

    all you need to know is WHAT journey is represented and HOW. so remember your types of journeys and then techniques for different textypes, because you will be given pieces to look at and will need to answer these questions. the last question is normally asking you to compare the tets in...
  2. Born Dancer


    i kind of have a similar question. is it possible to still get good marks writing a very light-hearted approach to journeys?? i want to write about a cat's journey to discover the greatest mystery about humans, but everyone seems to be coming up with these heaps deep storylines i decided to...
  3. Born Dancer

    The Official Big Day Out 2006 Thread (stickied?)

    as much as i would love to believe that rhcp and the killers are coming, why would thye leave two big name bands (particularly rhcp) to the second announcement?? surely they wouldve been good enough to headline?
  4. Born Dancer

    Context + Reception

    you could probably put a brief statement about how the context effects the ideas about journey in you supp text when you begin to talk about it. wouldnt hurt.
  5. Born Dancer

    Will they ever ask for more than ONE related text (section 3)?

    i would go back and have a look at the questions. maybe you ignored what the question asked??
  6. Born Dancer

    Will they ever ask for more than ONE related text (section 3)?

    what was the question? how many did it ask for?
  7. Born Dancer

    rhyming scheme for the road not taken ! HELP ME

    as far as im aware, the ryhming scheme is "abaab". that is how you define it. and then put a few sentences like beccaxx's when you explain it: "the consistent rhyming scheme throughout the poem maintains a sense of rhythm. in each stanza, the first, second and fourth lines rhyme, exemplified...
  8. Born Dancer

    Will they ever ask for more than ONE related text (section 3)?

    we have always been told to have two stimulus. "at least ONE" keeps open the possibility to write about two texts, and the statement "other related texts of your own choosing" suggests two rather than one. the lesson: be prepared. dont think that because it has always suggested one you will...
  9. Born Dancer

    Generic essay for journeys

    just an essay structure as opposed to a complete essay
  10. Born Dancer

    essay question?

    with paper one particularly, essentially in english you are writing WHAT and HOW. so yes you should always include techniques :) even if it isnt directly stated in the question. generally speaking question 3 of paper one is analysis of texts. you cant look at the underlying themes of journeys...
  11. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    <3<3 you breaking. although not sure it was as good as the first album.. but still good :uhhuh:
  12. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    well ive got my ticket, i'll see you there!!!
  13. Born Dancer

    The Official Big Day Out 2006 Thread (stickied?)

    gaah hate you tom :(:( theres no bands you reeeaallly want to see there.. so give it to me so i can meet franz!! please?!! :(:(
  14. Born Dancer

    Speeches and used-by dates?

    i have been having trouble with this question too. generally speaking, the older more patriarchal speeches tend to be the ones that have a used by date. However: the question asks about speeches recpetion in defferent contexts. we live in a postmodern context right? and one of the theories of...
  15. Born Dancer

    The Official Big Day Out 2006 Thread (stickied?)

    got my ticket :uhhuh: fricking 6 bucks for booking fee!!! :(
  16. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    i only put it on the list because three or four people mentioned it :(:( i disagreed and argued with all of them :uhhuh: i dont have to tell you how much i love franz serry, you know that more than anyone!! :uhhuh:
  17. Born Dancer

    Coldplay Concert 06

    bazjookajoe is just angry because he started the other thread. :p although, the topic of coldplay doesnt really deserve or need another thread :rolleyes:
  18. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    this should so be a poll :rolleyes: so far on the list would be: coldplay bloc party franz ferdinand :(
  19. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    :( no way. <3 franz.
  20. Born Dancer

    Most Overrated of 2005

    definitely bloc party.