Search results

  1. Kwayera

    Does God exist?

    I'm a rather militant atheist, and I gotta say, that's a pretty poor argument, my friend.
  2. Kwayera

    how long do u shower for?

    You listen to music in the shower? ...the SAME music in the shower?
  3. Kwayera

    why is the image code off in the NCAP forums?

    Because. Decisions do not have to be justified to you sir.
  4. Kwayera


    ^^ This. Your GP will give you the best advice on a plan for quitting. It's never too late, and the earlier you start, the better. Good luck! :)
  5. Kwayera

    Textbook whinge

    Or, better, UK prices for books, which are generally better than Australian prices, and free (!) international shipping.
  6. Kwayera

    Coldplay Set List for perth

    Yeah, I could do without Warning Sign. Amsterdam is one of my favourite songs of all time; they'd better play it here!
  7. Kwayera

    Relationship health

    Hah, what health.
  8. Kwayera

    Polyphasic sleepers?

    I'd say that polyphasic sleep is probably not the healthiest thing to try out during the HSC.
  9. Kwayera

    lemon detox diet?

    I'm still flabbergasted at the idiot that takes anecdote over scientific evidence (or more importantly in this case, lack thereof). THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE SEE UFOS/GHOSTS/FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTERS, THEY CAN'T ALL BE WRONG, SCIENCE IS WRONG
  10. Kwayera

    anyone here do GEOS2111?

    It's Geoscience, dude. What do YOU think?
  11. Kwayera

    lemon detox diet?

    Are.. are you serious?
  12. Kwayera

    The Parthenon Marbles

    Way to badly condence year 11 Ancient History...
  13. Kwayera

    The Australian Flag

    We've already been through this, that flag is as ugly as sin.
  14. Kwayera

    The Australian Flag

    And all of which are a function of biology. :p
  15. Kwayera

    The Australian Flag

    Ew, green and yellow and weird yellow randomly-placed circle. All in all not well designed.
  16. Kwayera

    Textbook whinge

    One of my textbooks for last year was $500. I didn't buy it (and, as it turns out, I didn't need it).
  17. Kwayera

    lemon detox diet?

    Oh yeah? What "toxins" does it remove, and how? Where are the clinical trials to prove it? Don't be a credulous consumer.
  18. Kwayera

    Sleeping with damp hair

    [citation needed]