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  1. Kwayera


    Well I don't think that private hospitals/schools should be disposed off, but nor do I believe public hospitals/schools should be entirely privatised, either.
  2. Kwayera


    Re: Anti-Privatization I'm sure there are; what are your reasons for or against?
  3. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    Nope, hence the qualifiers "I think" :p
  4. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    A zygote/blastocyst/embryo is certainly life, though definitely not a self-sustaining one. I think that "personhood" is entirely distinct from "life", at least in this context.
  5. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    I don't think that anyone disagrees with that. Life is life. I think the distinction we're trying to make is when "personhood", to use the phrase of the ND bill, begins, if ever.
  6. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    [citation needed]
  7. Kwayera

    "Knowledge is the one true form of power."

    Knowledge: the ultimate drug/aphrodesiac/awesome thing.
  8. Kwayera

    Does God exist?

    I was referring to you, dear. Nevermind.
  9. Kwayera

    Does God exist?

    If your opinion is that souls exist, then I'm afraid to tell you that a) expect to be ridiculed here, and b) you have no right not to be offended by such ridicule. Fair warning. :)
  10. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    I was more asking about the measurability/quantifiability of "personhood".
  11. Kwayera


    No news is good news.
  12. Kwayera

    Three-pack-a-day smoker's widow awarded $12m

    Here we go! If only Alan Shore was real :(
  13. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    Hah yeah, considering male and female sex drives are decidedly similar.
  14. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    How is it measurable and verifiable?
  15. Kwayera

    Personhood starts at conception

    Not that the ND bill is made on anything other than arbitrary bullshit.
  16. Kwayera

    Czech Republic's punishment for sex offenders: castration

    Uh or not? The sperm duct is not the conduit for the sex hormones produced to go to the brain. That'll be the blood vessels, and if you sever those you have to take out the testes, otherwise you'll have a lovely sack of necrotic material before too long.
  17. Kwayera

    Victorian bushfires

    You can make banksia and gum tree seed pods crack open with a lighter. No catastrophic superfire necessary, though the adult trees themselves need burning (though not "catastrophically") every few years. Her point still stands. Temperate rainforests, like those in the RNP, have a lower fire...
  18. Kwayera

    Islam group urges forest fire jihad

    Have.. have you read the Quran? (And no, no comparisons in the negative to the Bible necessary; it's just as violent, and I'm atheist anyway. Except when they're infidels? Mmmhmm.
  19. Kwayera

    Victorian bushfires

    Er, no. I did some fieldwork down there 2nd semester last year. It has temperate rainforest, which is pretty conventional, considering there used to be more of it than hot rainforests. *shrug*