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  1. T

    Preliminary Exams

    I'm not sure how they usually do prelims but exams I've done previously are split into two weeks and we'd normally have classes in between also, but of course COVID-19 has caused a lot of changes. Since we're all at home they decided no classes and my guess is that they figured they could just...
  2. T

    Preliminary Exams

    My school starts our week on Monday 6 September so I'll have all 6 of my exams happening next week. I've got one on Monday, one on Tuesday, two on Wednesday, and finally two on Friday. I'll have a day of study and prep on Thursday, and during the sessions that I don't have exams on Monday and...
  3. T

    Finding techniques within quotes

    Hey! For our exam-replacement task coming up quite soon, we have to gather approximately 30 quotes and analyse the techniques used in them in relation to the three themes chosen, but I'm struggling to locate techniques within many of my quotes. For the theme of dealing with grief, I've chosen...
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    BOS app -- is this a thing? should this be a thing?

    Not sure if this has been suggested (or even is a reality and I've just somehow missed it), but an app for Bored of Studies would be great.
  5. T

    Evaluating the effectiveness of the legal and non-legal responses in the Caroline Byrne case

    Thanks so much for this! I just read over it and it definitely explained them in a bit more depth than I'd pieced together previously. We don't look at consistency as one of our criteria, perhaps because it's not included in the BOS syllabus, but it's interesting to see how that can help...
  6. T

    Evaluating the effectiveness of the legal and non-legal responses in the Caroline Byrne case

    Hi there. I have to write some PEEL paragraphs for an evaluation of responses in the Caroline Byrne case -- if anybody is unfamiliar, you should look at it. It's really quite an interesting case, and my opinion on Godron Wood's guilt changes a lot. I am aware of what the criteria mean...