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  1. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    WA kids who do smokeshop - heads up. According to our Compliance Officer (Ben you know who I'm talking about ;)), the health department has been given permission to send under 18's out to buy smokes and test us. I know they've been allowed to do it before (coz I passed one of their tests...
  2. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    zomg zomg zomg first time ever since i've been supervising thursday nights that i've gotten out on time. i'm so amazed :p problem is, now that i've done it once, they're going to expect that every week. also, only one customer commented on how ugly my stripe shirt is. not too bad.
  3. babikakez

    haha thanks :)

    haha thanks :)
  4. babikakez

    changes to Youth Allowance?

    Well, I just went back in. What it was is that they couldn't see how I'd worked out my earnings for the 18 month period, despite it being explained very clearly on the documents. The guy at the counter seriously could not see my point, but we got there in the end. Hate centrelink.
  5. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    they pay the entire amount of a/l out, but they do not pay out sick leave.
  6. babikakez

    changes to Youth Allowance?

    What I'm thinking is probably either the documents got lost, or they needed something extra and it wasn't communicated to me. Grrr. I'm just going to take EVERYTHING back in this morning, hopefully they can tell me what went wrong. I won't ever get the full amount of YA coz of work, I sort...
  7. babikakez

    Dating your best mate's ex.

    One of my best mates has done this - they're now engaged. The two guys have not spoken ever since.
  8. babikakez

    no problem :p some people (ie that woman) are just fucked in the head...

    no problem :p some people (ie that woman) are just fucked in the head...
  9. babikakez

    Folau switches to the AFL

    Yes, concessions are justified, but not to the extent that they are getting.
  10. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    I have already said that I love it as a customer...because the store that has it has the most idiot operators ever. And I worked at this particular store yesterday - I can indeed confirm that some of them are actually retarded. My store will not be getting self serve/refurb for another 5ish...
  11. babikakez

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    ? what were you doing?
  12. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    I love self serve, I really don't see why people wouldn't use it.
  13. babikakez

    Folau switches to the AFL

    I agree. I live in an AFL state (not Vic), and I could not imagine that I'd be all that interested in NRL just because there was a new team.
  14. babikakez

    Things that annoy you.

    centrelink. fucking hate that place.
  15. babikakez

    The Woolworths Thread

    I went through self serve today, so maybe just your store?
  16. babikakez

    changes to Youth Allowance?

    Officially reviving my bitching. I just got a letter saying my claim was rejected because I did not take the forms in on time - is three days later not good enough? I'm going back in tomorrow :(
  17. babikakez

    What I am doing/wearing today

    black trackies and a grey tee i tried studying today. I was doing really well until about 12pm when I just succumbed to every distraction possible :(
  18. babikakez

    Folau switches to the AFL

    Only works while these players are good enough to be 'heroes' in the sports that they're playing. Lets presume Folau and Khunt are shit at AFL (not a too farfetched presumption), these kids aren't stupid enough to stay on the bandwagon. I really don't think that this is enough to get young...
  19. babikakez

    Is University overrated these days?

    What course did you study?