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  1. Drifting95

    What car will you get as your first car?

    good luck with that, the majority are trashed
  2. Drifting95

    iStudent's raw marks!

    Awesome eco mark
  3. Drifting95

    Help on Arts & Business vs Eco/arts?

    Arts & Business is actually a single degree which i'd avoid personally. It's just an Arts degree with a few compulsory commerce subs and i don't think you can do a comm major.
  4. Drifting95

    Course Question

    I found bridging courses pretty useless and i forgot most of it. What i would recommend is finding out exactly what you need to learn from the hsc syllabus and then specifically learning those areas on your own during the holidays. In some cases you'll find that you don't need to learn the whole...
  5. Drifting95

    HELP - USYD Law or Macquarie law with scholarship

    I'd consider MACQ tbh, that is a lot of money and just going to USYD won't dictate whether or not you'll get your ideal grad job. In my opinion, if you're a good student you'll excel at either and your application wouldn't come down to the uni you attended.
  6. Drifting95

    is EAS competitive?

    This. At least 6-7 of my mates also got into UTS law with 87 + atar. UTS is so generous with EAS.
  7. Drifting95

    I finally drove a V8 turbocharged convertible... ask me a question.

    How is the sound considering it's bi turbo? Does it even compare to the 6.2L in the c63/gl63 etc
  8. Drifting95

    Communications degree at usyd, unsw or uts?

    This would be an issue because i don't think there is the option to do Commerce/ B Arts (Media & Comms) according to the website.
  9. Drifting95

    Kebab - What Sauce Do You Get Thread

    Hot chilli. Garlic is alright but normally it can't compare to el jannah's proper garlic sauce so i avoid.
  10. Drifting95

    Good or bad deal for first car??

    Yeah man, i'd def say its a good deal as you could take it to the wrecker and get at least $200-400. That being said, it will cost you about 1k for rego so do take that into consideration. Keep this useless shit to the banter thread
  11. Drifting95

    Communications degree at usyd, unsw or uts?

    Need some help guys. For USYD, if someone wanted to do Commerce/communications would they just do B Commerce/Arts and select communications as a major? Not too sure how it works as UNSW has the dedicated Commerce/PR degree. Also, from my knowledge UTS doesn't have the option of completing...
  12. Drifting95

    2014 ATAR Scaling Report

    Interesting stuff, good job.
  13. Drifting95

    What is the BoS equivalent for universities?

    Whirlpool is alright for generic uni/graduate application stuff
  14. Drifting95

    The Tennis Thread

    Re: Confessions When does it start? For some reason i tend to start playing wii tennis again when the Australian open is on
  15. Drifting95

    Multiple Choice Advice

  16. Drifting95

    Multiple Choice Advice

    My mate did this in the hsc exam... The supervisor noticed and started yelling at him for the whole cohort to hear. I wouldn't risk it seeing as my mate nearly got gg'd
  17. Drifting95

    UNSW Info day!

    I'll be there