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  1. Ragerunner


    Perfect opportunity to assassinate everyone.
  2. Ragerunner

    uai prediction if you will

    97 should be quite easily within your grasp. You still have time to pull up your English. Shouldn't be too difficult. Good luck.
  3. Ragerunner

    uai prediction if you will

    It would appear that possibly your Mathematics won't count, but that could change. It seems you are performing pretty well. I would definitely say 95+ taking account that you go to a pretty good school.
  4. Ragerunner

    UAI Prediction (Just a ballpark figure)

    You have to potential to still attain 99+. Which actually shouldn't be too hard if you try hard enough. At the moment I'd say 96ish.
  5. Ragerunner

    UNSW Careers Expo

    It is pretty useful. Though it resembles very similarly to the open day all the universities hold late August. You basically get the cahnce to talk with people who have done the course or are teaching the course. And you can take home lots of information booklets and did I mention, FREE PENS!.
  6. Ragerunner

    Exam Stress

    I'm gonna fail maths and I'm not even worried. Only pissed off. I don't seem to be taking uni very seriously, perhaps next year I might be more serious..
  7. Ragerunner


    Can someone translate this to mando pinyin plz? 我怕来不及 我要抱着_ 直到感觉_的皱纹 有了岁月的痕迹 直到肯定_是真的 直到失去力气 为了_ 我愿意 动也不能动 也要看着_ 直到感觉_的发线 有了白雪的痕迹 直到视线变得模糊 直到不能呼吸 让我们 形影不离 如果 全部世界我也可以放弃 至少还有_ 值得我去珍惜 而_在这里 就是生命的奇迹 也许 全世界我也可以忘记 就是不愿意 失去_的消息 _掌心的志 我总记得在那里 我们好不容易 我们身不由已 我怕时间太快 不够将_看仔细 我怕时间太慢...
  8. Ragerunner

    PSYC1001 Report

    I got 56/100. I would of been shocked, but my tutor told my class beforehand that the PSYC1001 average wasn't even a credit. So with that in mind, I was reasonably happy with my mark. My tutor wrote so many comments telling me all the things I shouldn't of done :(
  9. Ragerunner


    Im going to repeat maths after this semester - HAHAHAHHAHAHA =/ Or prehaps just fuck sem 2 uni. i cbf studying anymore. this entire semester i've spent less around 20 hours on study and i've jigged half my lectures -______________-
  10. Ragerunner

    Board Of Studies reveals raw marks - 2003

    No. I presume that was used as the processing fee for retreiving my marks.
  11. Ragerunner

    Exam responses

    The standards required for the HSC are now quite well knowned. And they do not need to release any more sample responses as a result.
  12. Ragerunner

    Conceded Pass

    Do they give out conceded passes to students or do stuents need to request them if they fail the course?
  13. Ragerunner


    Considering the UAC takes your raw marks and scales that, typically lower, I can't imagine what my scaled mark will be @_@
  14. Ragerunner


    Want me to drain it for you? ;) On another note, I got 11/84 RAW mark for 3U maths HSC 2003. muahahhaha. and it got aligned to 17/50. My physics mark was a LOT lower than I expected. 56/100 aligned to 78/100
  15. Ragerunner


    I went to Myer and David Jones...although some were pretty cheap, I didn't buy anything there. Instead bought a jacket from Tarocash. $180 marked down to $99.95 w00t.
  16. Ragerunner

    Board Of Studies reveals raw marks - 2003

    For the first time in 2003, the Board Of Studies has revealed the raw marks for these particular subjects. A request for raw band cut-offs marks was initially declined, though in future it may be revealed.&nbsp; NB: Raw marks are not comparable between years or between courses. <table...
  17. Ragerunner

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    Not to mention 3 other subjects to learn as well as maths :(
  18. Ragerunner

    MATH 1131 / 1141 exam tips from veterans

    My possiblity of passing math 1131 is solely rested upon the similarity in past papers. Because right now, I am officially 11 weeks behind in Algebra and 8 weeks behind in calculus :(
  19. Ragerunner


    EXACTLY the reason if I fail chinese. I can read an entire sentence of characters that some people can't read, but I got absolutely N F I WTF it means
  20. Ragerunner


    hat ? lol. i've never worn a hat since primary school :D