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  1. BHS10

    Ahh, that sounds good man but you better get studying haha. Your maths exam sounds exactly like...

    Ahh, that sounds good man but you better get studying haha. Your maths exam sounds exactly like the HSC haha. Ours was hard throughout the paper, except for like the first question haha. How was your eco exam btw? What was the extended response?
  2. BHS10

    School Rankings

    wow my school jumped 150 places 550 in 2008 to 403 in 09. niceeeeeeeeeee
  3. BHS10

    How have yours been man? Studying hard?

    How have yours been man? Studying hard?
  4. BHS10

    Hey man, my studies have been going alright. Half Yearlies have been meh. Maths was the worst...

    Hey man, my studies have been going alright. Half Yearlies have been meh. Maths was the worst test though, everyone thought it was shit
  5. BHS10

    Half yearlies- Who else screwed up?

    Hardest maths test, everyone agreed. Last years year 12 half yearly was nothing compared to this one :(
  6. BHS10

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    english and legal tomorrow. Die, English die.
  7. BHS10

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    not looking forward to english :(
  8. BHS10

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    i start mine in 4 days, i got over studying for like an hour or two just wanted to be lazy. Back on track now haha
  9. BHS10

    HSC mathematic 2009?

    wow, what a coincidence i was looking for it just then too haha
  10. BHS10

    Economics Marathon - 2010

    Fixed exchange rate system - ER set and maintained by government or one of its agencies e.g. Reserve Bank Flexible exchange rate system (dirty float) - exchange rate is set by the market forces of demand and supply Managed exhange rate system (clean float) - exchange rate rate is set by the...
  11. BHS10

    English Lectures at the Wesley Conference..

    .. anyone go to it? i know, should've made this thread before asking if anyone was going. For those who went, how did you find it ? Valuable, waste of time/money? etc
  12. BHS10

    How do you..

    ..cut down your notes to the extent where you can actually study them and not have like 40+ pages of notes? Thanks :)
  13. BHS10

    Economics Marathon - 2010

    Factors which cause shifts in the supply curve for exchange rates include: * current transfers made out of australia * tourists travelling overseas * people buying goods from overseas * decisions to invest overseas * overseas payments for interest and dividends
  14. BHS10

    We ALL love this site so...

    annabackwards, aerath and lychnobity
  15. BHS10

    Ah cool cool, i shall start soon too haha

    Ah cool cool, i shall start soon too haha
  16. BHS10

    Damn you got your timetable already? we always get it late farout. Have you started studying?

    Damn you got your timetable already? we always get it late farout. Have you started studying?
  17. BHS10


    Are we meant to know all of our preliminary work? If so, how much time should we spend on studying it?
  18. BHS10

    You only have one exam? Yeah, the second topic is alright haha just tell him/her to go over it...

    You only have one exam? Yeah, the second topic is alright haha just tell him/her to go over it, it shouldn't be a problem :) thanks a lot man, hopefully i can keep it up haha
  19. BHS10

    sup obsene. Eco's going alright haha. The second topic isn't too bad, i prefer the first though...

    sup obsene. Eco's going alright haha. The second topic isn't too bad, i prefer the first though. My half yearlys are in week 9 and 10, gotta start studying soon haha. I went alright in the in class essay - 15/20, ranked equal first haha. What bout you man, when are your half yearlys and how...
  20. BHS10

    Subject you like/dislike most?

    Like: legal, ancient Dislike: english