yeah there were a lot of political works from my grade this year but each individual's work looks so different.
one of the girls who got full marks did gleeson-style paintings. they were absolutely beautiful.
the diversity is really cool.
im excited to see what art express has to offer .
hahahaha. sounds awesome .thats ok..the best of works can't be explained in words. i'd never have the patience for small paper sculptures.
maaaan i havent seen that movie in AGES!
but anyway! lol
ive got a mixture of painting and digital media.
basically...large pieces...
congrats to you! thats awesome.
yeah my art teacher is a HSC marker also.
and ours were marked by 3 art teachers collaboratively so i think its safe to say that everyone was marked fairly at my school.
...whoa @ 100 pieces. how big are they/ what is your work about.
and here i was...
fair enough!
yeah well congrats on your B!
thats awesome.
get that finished before external marking!!!
maaaaaaaaaaan i had 21 pieces all together. why werent you allowed to know your exact mark? i got a 48 so...woohoo.
im scared for monday though. ive been busy with drama hsc. i...
lol no, i wasnt refering to what you said. i was talking about the original post.
as for your post,yes that has happened in the past.
reminds me of that movie where those 2 guys go around college looking for a depressed person and trying to convince em to kill themselves.
anyway. maybe you could call it 'playing with wolves' or something?
don't stress too much. they'll check out your vapd if they need to know anything more.