Search results

  1. P

    How do you prepare for an exam?

    How do you prepare for an exam? Do you continuously study throughout the whole term and crunch down 2 weeks before the exam? What techniques do you use? Post here, and help yourself and help others with their HSC :D Give motivation if you see someone who needs it ;) For me, i study by just...
  2. P

    What does "Shaped" mean?

    For example: "How has imagery shaped your understanding of other people and their worlds" Can someone please explain in a few words, what it means. I know it's a stupid question, but i want to be exact in how i structure my essay :)
  3. P

    Business Studies HELP NEEDED!

    I have added it as an attachment, if you can really help me. I would appreciate it soo much. I am stuck :( Edit: If this helps. "Clearo's Ltd's managers wish to apply the following marketing strategies, which they anticipate wiill meet their financial objectives over time" :)
  4. P

    Quick Question on Related Texts

    Hello :) I'm just wondering, if it's okay to have 3 texts that convey NOT BELONGING? But not a single text that doesn't specifically revolve around Belonging? Or are the markers looking for a little variety? like lets say you had your Core text (The Crucible) which is NOT BELONGING, and chose 2...
  5. P

    Who can't wait for school to be over?

    Who is finally sick of school, and can't wait for the HSC to be over. I have been in schooling for 12 years, and i am finally sick of it. I am still highly motivated for the HSC, but i do not wish to be in school anymore, lol. I finally am sick of it. Only thing keeping me there is friends! Who...
  6. P

    Would avatar be a good related text?

    I know what some of you are thinking. But would it actually be worthwhile, if you went deep into the movie? Just wondering :)
  7. P

    "The Crucible" Related Texts ; Belonging

    Hey, I am just wondering. Does anyone know any good related texts that go well with Arthur Millers, the crucible. For those who don't know. It's mainly about NOT Belonging, Individuality and non-conforming, and basically Alienation. I just need 2-3 good texts. Please let me know :) Thankyou !
  8. P

    From LOW marks to HIGH marks?

    Has anyone gone from an average of 65's from Preliminaries to 90+ in all subjects, and then on to do very well in the HSC (ATAR: 90+) or know anyone who has? Let me know if this has happened to you, or someone, and how you/they did it. :D Thank you. My friend would like to know, he's very...
  9. P

    I feel weird wanting to study in the HOLIDAYS...

    I should study, shouldn't i? But the idea of studying in Holidays makes me feel like eh. lol. What should i be doing for study? Like, write up notes according to the syllabus for each subject? Give me some creative ideas please :)
  10. P

    About Scaling

    Okay. Say these are my results: English : 10.5 / 15 (70%) Business Studies: 50/60 (84%) Modern History: 23/30 (77%) I.P.T: 100/100 (100%) Senior Science: (95%) What about i expect to be getting for my ATAR? Because the SAM Calculator on this site says my ATAR would be 83.15. But it...
  11. P

    Can anyone give me BM&Change Exams?

    If anyone could supply me with a topic exam for Business Management & Change, it would be greatly appreciated in my studies. Thankyou! Or, if you know a place that has a few of them. Thanks.
  12. P

    Visual Image help?

    I have all the information i really need to create the small analysis that accompanies my creative writing story (In class essay). Thanks for your help! Moderators, please close <3
  13. P

    How many words can you write in an 40 minute essay?

    How many words can you write in a 40 minute time period, for say...english, history, etc..? And do you think 1100 words is achievable in 40 minutes. Thank you!
  14. P

    English Syllabus

    Can someone please post a copy of the English (Standard) Syllabus (HSC) for me? The BOS website doesn't really provide me with a good Syllabus, i really couldn't find it. Though, i found other subjects just seems it's just English with the problem. Thanks in advance!
  15. P

    Tips and Help Please :)

    So basically, if you look at my marks throughout year 11, you'd be going "What is wrong with this kid" I'll tell you why. In my assignments, i do EXTREMELY well, i mean whenever i do an assignment, i am top of the class. For example, today in IPT, i got my assignment back, i got 100%...
  16. P

    Average Mark

    Nvm. Close please.
  17. P

    Abit worried

  18. P

    Help Regarding University / HSC

    Right. Well i would love to study a Podiatry couse when i finish year 12 next year at the University of Newcastle. But on the site of the campus where i would like to take my course it states this: The problem is, i havn't chosen Chemistry as one of my subjects, but instead of Chem, i have...