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  1. tanguyen

    Bigblogger 2007

    Is it going to happen this year?
  2. tanguyen

    Event theatre

    Is it just me or do other people feel that when reading Eyes on Stalks, it feels like you're a blind man trying to decipher heiroglyphics cuz I don't understand what the hell John Fox is trying to say.
  3. tanguyen

    Video Drama-ians

    Alright guys, we've handed it in around 3 or so weeks ago now, so... what was your thoughts? If anyone's game enough, they can post it up here or at least show off your rationales so we can sorta have a glimpse of what we were thinking about. I'll post mine up when I downsize it a bit. Were...
  4. tanguyen

    HOw does it create theatre?

    My teacher was going on about it all lesson and I asked what it meant and he gave me some enigmatic answer that didn't help my cause. When writing drama essays about a certain play, you're meant to comment on "how is theatre created?". What I REALLY don't understand is, what is 'theatre'. I...
  5. tanguyen

    Internet Explorer help - Search cache

    I just need quick tip or hint please. So here's the context. I recently reformatted my computer so now all my lil settings are gone and lost (which is understandable) I still use Internet Explorer and everytime I type something into a search field or username field, it rememebers it or...
  6. tanguyen

    Video drama help

    K... for my video drama, I'm using "Windows Movie Maker". Is that a sufficient enough program to do the editing because really that's the only program I know how to use and I've made a lil movie before with it and it didn't turn out too bad. I probably just answered my own question here but I...
  7. tanguyen

    Best MODERN day guitarist

    I don't know if we've spoken about this topic already.. but who really cares I've started a thread and no one cares about it. Of course there's the timeless legends such as your Chuck Berrys, Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Clapton, The Youngs, Hammet, Vai and countless others.. but who's a respected...