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  1. Danio

    Physical Journeys

    Physical journey is all bout the adventure taken to travel to somewhere exotic or somewhere never before seen or hardly heard of, and in that personal experience that particular person will experience change within her/ basically its all bout change as well. Its not about the...
  2. Danio


    Wow wow pplz settle down...:D Yea i agree, you should follow the sullabus in order to knowz what's in your HSC and stuffs, and it gives you a good guideline to what you should be studying as wellz...The Syllabus can KISS YOUR ASS after you finished the hsc kz? But in the mean time, keep your ass...
  3. Danio

    What do you think?

    Does anyone knowz how to draw the GRAPH of the Pendulum exp? much preciated...:)
  4. Danio

    School Formal

    Comon pplz~! Formal are a night to last!!! I mean, i simply just cant wait til my yr12 Formal thats coming upz in like 9 months...after finishing my hsc, relaxing and the formnal..omg, its gona be HEKTIC!!! How can you guys dun like formalz???:confused:
  5. Danio

    Hey i just have 2 quick questions about essays:

    Just do it like an exposition...arguing(giving good points about both sides of the story or character)...
  6. Danio

    Biology scaling

    Now does that only apply to Bio or all subjects?
  7. Danio

    Extra UAI this right?

    Yo, is it true taht if your class average is low, say most pplz get like 70%, and you get over 90%, does it drag my marks down or does it gives me more chance to scale upz?
  8. Danio

    Bs Termz...

    Heyoz pplz, can you guys tell me what the term Hedging meanz? Its been bothering me for quite some times...i still dun quite get it when my teacher explained to me...:(
  9. Danio

    how many ????

    Yo im in yr12, one thing i JUST realised is that hw is very should alwayz try your best to finish all hw...hw helps you to memorise thigns easier, instead just b4 the exams starts and you go thur the entire book looking for something, when you can simply look through your hw and...
  10. Danio

    School Magazine/Yearbook

    Yo pplz, can you guyz/girlz tell give me some advices on our yr12 year book? We got all the usual stuffz like Name. Nicks, where do you see yourself in 10 years time...Of course therez lots of pics, and its all done by our entire yr12...tahts why im proud, because its done by our friends and for...
  11. Danio

    jazzing it up

    Yo, I just rekonz that in yr12, you would hardly get the time to colour things in...dun get me wrong...if it truly does help you remember things betterz, then by all mean do it. But in my personal opinion, I suggest just try to put an image instead of a word in your head, sometimes it does help...
  12. Danio

    interesting day comez we see in movies and read in books that students in skewlz dissecting frogs/...but we NEVER Doooz~!?~! !?!!!!??? RIGGED~!:chainsaw:
  13. Danio

    Anyone doing Inner Journeys?

    Yea same...We are currently doing the book RAW...other classes are doing The Truman Show..:P
  14. Danio

    eng paper 1

    Yea my Skewlz Kingsgrove North High is...They go whatever class tthey want to go to experience the uni life...lolz!
  15. Danio

    New yr12

    Angel Wings For so long have I suffered from the pain of loss, but now there is no price nor cost. When she look at me with her shining eyes, my pain and anguish just dies. I've prayed for an angel for aeons, to take away my life of chaos. Now that you're here...
  16. Danio

    New yr12

    Hehheheh...English is the ONLY subject that I dun have to worry bout much...Serz! Alot of pplz rekon that Eng is hard and all, but i do find it interesting and all, I like writing...Yoyo, here's a poem I wrote myself, its the second poem i've written, and its the best so far in my own opiniion...
  17. Danio

    New yr12

    Sorryz...its kinda my stylesz...:p Thankz for the helpz Lil Star and ya'all, nowz gotta focus on HSC and studie, and less on otehr stuffz... ie girlz, Valentines coming Oh btw, see the English HSC part? I need an extra piece of essay type from myself rightz? like the skewlz...
  18. Danio

    New yr12

    Yea i knowz...thankz! :) But theres an extrea material i need rightz? like besides all he skewlz materials i need an studying material of my own bout Journey or Change...
  19. Danio

    New yr12

    Heyz Danio and i just reached yr12...and since my moms being bothering me, so I wanna ask you proz for some advices. :D Im currently doing English Standard, and im coming like 7/80, its okz i suppose but i wanna do betterz knowz? and my mom said taht theres ome specific books i should...