Just got back from shopping!
Mum and I left the house at 7am so we could miss most of the day's rush. Turned out pretty well, although we were a bit disappointed in ourselves - normally we go NUTS at sales, but for some reason this year we only bought about four bags worth of stuff? (The two bolts of fabric count as a bag) I was REALLY cut - for some reason the things I wanted weren't in the right colour, or size, or just weren't there at all.
I got:
1 x dark brown Cue pants (YAY! My actual first pair of nice pants in like, years... this sounds so childish, but I feel so grown up when I wear them! haha)
1 x neutral brown Cue pants (we're into the whole pants thing now)
1 x black Portmans evening top (the first thing off my list)
1 x small red handbag (which I needed)
All of the above WEREN'T on sale. Stupid? Very possibly, but I'm sure that a couple of other people here know the feeling of shopping all day, seeing things you half-like and half-love, but not really finding anything that pops out at you.

Or maybe I'm just too picky?