Hey guys,
It took me two hours to fully complete, because I knew there would be nobody here crazy enough to do it, so I ended up doing the lot.
Below, you will find a
Complete List of Distinguished Achievers for the 2003 Higher School Certificate
Noteworthy points
All 11850 names are included, even "Jonny" and "Vincent" - two guys without any surnames.
Subjects are named instead of simply showing HSC Course Codes (the numbers assigned to each particular subject).
Sorted alphabetically according to School Name.
- The Board had the Distinguished Achievers List of students spanning multiple pages. This made the list a lot harder to compile:
Imagine visiting BOS, where every thread was listed on the Main Index, always having to click "Back" and visiting the Main Index everytime someone created a new thread - the entire Distinguished Achiever's Index Page was one big index page, with names (threads) listed on such an index.
- Two students did not have surnames, simply "Jonny" and "Vincent", but I added them anyway to the list.
- Finding HSC Course Names (subjects) for every HSC Course Code (number), then having to go back; finding and replacing each HSC Course Code (number) with HSC Course Names (subjects). This was made easier by way of the
First Place in Course page, as compiled by the Board of Studies.
- Student Numbers containing HSC Course Codes. Some Student Numbers contained strings which were identical to the HSC Course Codes, meaning that whilst replacing each Course Code with Course Names, I accidentally (although unintentionally) replaced Student Numbers.
The biggest pain in the butt had been having to go through all the Student Numbers (selecting the column) and finding out if I had accidentally replaced any Numbers with Subjects. Type and range checks were performed.
- Double checking of each column, in case I had replaced anything unintentionally. Most of the 'errors' were found in Student Numbers, aforementioned.
- Sorting all fields alphabetically, according to school names (as had been requested by Wahlito). Since the spreadsheet has been sorted by School Name, it makes it easier for you to find your school, and found out how well other students performed in your own school (who got Band 6s).
If you want to sort the list by Student Number, Surnames, or even "who got the most Band 6s in the State" - you can! This means that you should be able to find out who got 100.00 UAI, simply by looking at the person with the most Band 6s (of course, this isn't always true, but you can tell who scored 99+).
- Expanding all fields to fit extreme (maximum) values, as you have surnames of unusual lengths, school names that are unusually long, and of course, those who had scored a Band 6 in more subjects than others.
I didn't want to "lose" this time - as I had been asleep when the Top 120 Schools in the State Listing was typed out.
N.B. The file is 1.36MB and may take a while depending on your Internet connection/speeds.
Complete List of Distinguished Achievers for the 2003 Higher School Certificate