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Does God Exist? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
Islam certainly has some extremists, But I think christianity does to. The other day on a train these people wouldnt shut up singing church songs, Im not slack or anything, but they were also going up to people and saying stuff like "Praise the lord" and "Jesus is coming"......

What happened to that parable or whatever about a peasant praying in silent and a rich dude praying in public and how god wants us to pray humbly etc!!


Jul 20, 2004
soha said:
basically muslim women dress modestly
wearing loose fitting clothing..covering their whole body except the hands and face
some cover the feet some dont
this is because the woman is beautiful
we dont reveal ourselves to anyone but our husbands brotehrs and father..uncles and grandparents
in islam the women is precious..shes is like a jewel
is someone asked you can i see your jewels ..can i touch them..can i look at them..u say would say no..u would cover them up
well in islam the women are more precious then that

also they dress modestly like that for our own protection
when ur walking down the street does a man whistle and shout out at a girl dressed islamically or a girl in a mini skirt and biki top
its just about modestly..and keeping urself covered..from bad things that could happen
thats just a bit of it..i cnat be bothered typing..but u get the general idea
What a load of crap.

This is another proof that it was written by men and enforced by men (or interpreted the Q'uran) so they can have their wives to themselves.

Why does Mohammad's inability to write devoid him from altering what he "heard", go down to the bad parts of any capital city (Sydney for you guys) and you'll see absolute loonies talking crazy stuff ask them to write something down and they can't. You can tell them a story and they can change it for you. It's called being human.
You guys need to think about your posts before you hit submit.



Oct 8, 2004
hey i'm christian and i think what soha said was a good explanation. i believe in dressing modestly, not as far as in islam (like i don't wear minis or low cut tops and stuff), and i think the way that soha put it is a good explanation. maybe you're just bitter cos it's that many girls you don't get to perve at on the street?


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Keen said:
What a load of crap.

This is another proof that it was written by men and enforced by men (or interpreted the Q'uran) so they can have their wives to themselves.

Why does Mohammad's inability to write devoid him from altering what he "heard", go down to the bad parts of any capital city (Sydney for you guys) and you'll see absolute loonies talking crazy stuff ask them to write something down and they can't. You can tell them a story and they can change it for you. It's called being human.
You guys need to think about your posts before you hit submit.

how is that proof its written by man?...why would man write that...
man would write walk around naked..coz man doenst know any better
Allah is all wise and all knowing..Allah knows best
and according to MY beliefs...the dress code for women is best..


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
In Islam can the dudes have multiple wives?

Also, isnt that the religion where if you die for some cause you go to the afterlife with a certain amount of virgins? If it is, that certainly sounds like a guy wrote that...


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Keen said:
Why does Mohammad's inability to write devoid him from altering what he "heard", go down to the bad parts of any capital city (Sydney for you guys) and you'll see absolute loonies talking crazy stuff ask them to write something down and they can't. You can tell them a story and they can change it for you. It's called being human.
You guys need to think about your posts before you hit submit.

yeah but mohammed (peace be upon him)..wasnt just human..
he was a prophet and messenger of God
um..if u asked me to do such a thing..i would fail..true
coz im not anything but just human
he was also the best person in the world
the most perfect person...could perfrom miracles etc
God created him that way...so it makes sense to me that yes he could manage fine to dictate what the angel gabriel told him and his companians wrote it down
because he was illeterate..
and he memorized the whole koran..off by heart..
just like that

the reason he was illeterate was because he was an orphan..and later in life became a shepard..just a poor shepard..and when he was the chosen one..
he happen to be illeterate..never went to school etc
every single prophet was like that except prophet moses because they were rich and he was raised bu king pharoah..
so yeah
thats my story
believe it or not..meh..u ask i answer..thats all


soha said:
basically muslim women dress modestly
wearing loose fitting clothing..covering their whole body except the hands and face
some cover the feet some dont
this is because the woman is beautiful
we dont reveal ourselves to anyone but our husbands brotehrs and father..uncles and grandparents
in islam the women is precious..shes is like a jewel
is someone asked you can i see your jewels ..can i touch them..can i look at them..u say would say no..u would cover them up
well in islam the women are more precious then that

also they dress modestly like that for our own protection
when ur walking down the street does a man whistle and shout out at a girl dressed islamically or a girl in a mini skirt and biki top
its just about modestly..and keeping urself covered..from bad things that could happen
thats just a bit of it..i cnat be bothered typing..but u get the general idea
You know, I read the reason those Lebanese Muslims gang raped a girl in Sydney was because she wasn't covered up and as far as they were concerned wearing revealing clothes is pretty much saying "I deserve to be raped"


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Schoolies_2004 said:
In Islam can the dudes have multiple wives?

Also, isnt that the religion where if you die for some cause you go to the afterlife with a certain amount of virgins? If it is, that certainly sounds like a guy wrote that...
haha..yes omg i dread this quetion
only because ppl ask me so mant imes
yes back in the days ..in the days of the prophets
you could have 4 wives and even today
firstly there are more women in the world then men
its lieka ratio of 3 women to every man
take away the gay men its a ratio of 4 women to every man
take a way the playaz its a ratio of 5 women to every man
take away the transvestites..(sex change)
its like 6 women to every man
take away the men who are afraid of commitment
its 7 to every man
take away the druggos and bumbs etc
its 8 women to every man
8 women to every man
who is gonna marry these women..and look after them?..
who is going to care for them?(they need sumone too..so they become lesbians?)
traditionally the man..these days the woman is fine and stable by her self..
but before now it was husband takes care of wife
thats just one example..

neways..wif the whole heaven and virgins..thats an example EXAMPLE.. of whats heaven is like
like your reward is thats of 99 virgins ..or 77 or whatever it is..i dont even know..
because man cna relate to that..he likes the thought of that
its not literally you go and have sex with tyem all
no..heaven is better then that...but man desires what..?...
thats what i know neways..
these things are also taken out of context and when translated it appears different to what it actually means etc etc


Question, religious monkeys.

Do you guys follow your religion fanatically because it's all you know, and you've never bothered to challenge it? Or is it a choice.

My family is Italian. Very religious. I've grown up with religion, but I've also grown up with a choice of finding out for myself what suits me best.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
katie_tully said:
You know, I read the reason those Lebanese Muslims gang raped a girl in Sydney was because she wasn't covered up and as far as they were concerned wearing revealing clothes is pretty much saying "I deserve to be raped"
fuck them man
they are a bunch of fuckwits
..my friend knows those guys
they just sleazy stupid idiot people who dont know jack shit about islam
just coz his name is mohammed haha
nah man..i know better then that
so does my father and brotehrs and stuff
just coz they fuck wits...
and have a stupid mentality
thats what i hate
why should u compare scum of the earth to islamic teachings..
coz thats not right..they idiots and they will burn in hell for what they did..for all i care


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
WEll the entire VIrgins thing sounds like someone, aka Allah used this little thing to control men. Geez, Id fight to get 99 Virgins, lol, j/k's.

As for the more than 1 wife thing, I thought women were jewels, unusal that if there so precious dudes can have more than 1, sought of de-values women....


soha said:
who is gonna marry these women..and look after them?..
Well... Call me a hairy chested feminist but...they're probably capable of looking after themselves.. Well in the third world anyway...

You don't become a lesbian because there is a lack of husband material..


soha said:
fuck them man
they are a bunch of fuckwits
..my friend knows those guys
they just sleazy stupid idiot people who dont know jack shit about islam
just coz his name is mohammed haha
nah man..i know better then that
so does my father and brotehrs and stuff
just coz they fuck wits...
and have a stupid mentality
thats what i hate
why should u compare scum of the earth to islamic teachings..
coz thats not right..they idiots and they will burn in hell for what they did..for all i care
I never said because they followed Islam, everybody does that. I was just saying, that was their reasoning for gang raping a girl.

I think half the problem with religion, is people use it to justify their actions. Actions like that however, cannot be justified.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
katie_tully said:
Question, religious monkeys.

Do you guys follow your religion fanatically because it's all you know, and you've never bothered to challenge it? Or is it a choice.

My family is Italian. Very religious. I've grown up with religion, but I've also grown up with a choice of finding out for myself what suits me best.
um..nah i was brought up on islam..my parents werent religous
so all i knew was i was a muslim and the basic i cant eat pork
thats all i knew
then i was like..wtf i am muslim..i dont even know what this means..
so i looked into it
questioned my religon..my so called faith..
read about christianity and judiasm...etc etc...
thought hey what have i been mssing the whole time
this was when i was 15..realised ismalm was far beyond the one for me
i felt so bad a guilty i didnt act earlier..
sooner or later..my family woke up to them selves
and its all good
ive been to church one too many times
ive been to hindu festivals..ive been to the jewish museum..ive seen alot..etc..im as happy as can be


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
katie_tully said:
I never said because they followed Islam, everybody does that. I was just saying, that was their reasoning for gang raping a girl.

I think half the problem with religion, is people use it to justify their actions. Actions like that however, cannot be justified.
yeah..but what can ya do
preists and ministers molesting kids..definately not in the name of christianity etc
it all sux
but believe it or not..sometimes when people do these bad thinsg
otehr people think wtf..their religon must be whacked..
and they look into it
and find hey its not
like after sep 11...40 000 ppl became muslim that same year in america after their fear from it
they accepted it coz they read up on it
so bad brings good..in a sense..?..well what some may perceive as good


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
katie_tully said:
Well... Call me a hairy chested feminist but...they're probably capable of looking after themselves.. Well in the third world anyway...

You don't become a lesbian because there is a lack of husband material..
how do u know that?

i was referring to back in the days
i even said that now we are stable on our own

if u cant find a man..us women have sxual urges and needs..what else are they gonna resort too


soha said:
yeah..but what can ya do
preists and ministers molesting kids..definately not in the name of christianity etc
it all sux
but believe it or not..sometimes when people do these bad thinsg
otehr people think wtf..their religon must be whacked..
and they look into it
and find hey its not
like after sep 11...40 000 ppl became muslim that same year in america after their fear from it
they accepted it coz they read up on it
so bad brings good..in a sense..?..well what some may perceive as good
Oh god, paedophiles shit me so bad. And I could be generalising here a bit, but it seems whenever I hear a new case of paedophilia, it has something to do with the Catholic church.

You know the worst bit about it, if they confess to a priest, the Priest cannot reveal to the police what is going on. And so the cycle continues.
It's bloody disgusting.

You know, I've had 7th Day Adventists, Christians, and nearly every other religion come door knocking, and bash me on the head with a bible, but I've never, ever, come across an Muslim trying to convert somebody.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Schoolies_2004 said:
WEll the entire VIrgins thing sounds like someone, aka Allah used this little thing to control men. Geez, Id fight to get 99 Virgins, lol, j/k's.

As for the more than 1 wife thing, I thought women were jewels, unusal that if there so precious dudes can have more than 1, sought of de-values women....
u know

there is so much into this
so many rules to go about it
man where do i start?
its got to be total equality...like u buy one a house u buy the otehr a house
u buy one a dres the otehr gets a dress
u sleep with one u sleep with the otehr
its actually recommended in the koran
u can..but recommended u dont

u know who does it..the rich kings in jordan and saudia arabia..etc
they can afford to be equal..but i dont believe in it
hardly any muslim men and women do it..or think its good
yeah i believe its right and just ..but it doenst happen..like maybe 5 percent of the islamic populatuon..thats probably an over estimation too


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
katie_tully said:
Oh god, paedophiles shit me so bad. And I could be generalising here a bit, but it seems whenever I hear a new case of paedophilia, it has something to do with the Catholic church.

You know the worst bit about it, if they confess to a priest, the Priest cannot reveal to the police what is going on. And so the cycle continues.
It's bloody disgusting.

You know, I've had 7th Day Adventists, Christians, and nearly every other religion come door knocking, and bash me on the head with a bible, but I've never, ever, come across an Muslim trying to convert somebody.
thats coz u cant force religon on anyone
if the person is searching..they come and find it


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Keen said:
What a load of crap.

This is another proof that it was written by men and enforced by men (or interpreted the Q'uran) so they can have their wives to themselves.

Why does Mohammad's inability to write devoid him from altering what he "heard", go down to the bad parts of any capital city (Sydney for you guys) and you'll see absolute loonies talking crazy stuff ask them to write something down and they can't. You can tell them a story and they can change it for you. It's called being human.
You guys need to think about your posts before you hit submit.

u are assuming...u do not know this.....and what soha said is correct......u wont check out a covered woman but u will have a look at a half naked girl......dont even try to deny it.

and for the last time MOHAMMAD DID NOT WRITE ANYTHING.......he took the verses and put them together and spread the word....before u press sumbit how about u respect other religions and not accuse prophets of doing things that u are not sure of....

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