I'm the same as Dreamerish, I have no interest whatsoever in remaining friends with my ex. He was at my house the other week, talking to my parents out on the street. I said 'hi", but was with a friend who I took straight up to my flat. Mum said he looked hurt because I ignored him basically, but everytime I see him, and I'll smile or try and be nice and he treats me like shit.... I'm not going to be polite on his terms.
I'm so, so happy with my life and relationship. To me, ex's are ex's for a reason, and if you're supposed to get back together eventually then you wouldnt have any feelings of anger or similar towards them... I was so young, and we were together for so long, and it just got boring.
But mmm_sofay, I guess I can kinda see how you'd be feeling if your ex was still attractive to you... but mine is not.