I don't really understand what you mean by 'writing speed at 1.4 per hour' ?
But anyway, you should be aiming to have a writing speed of around 180words in 5 mins and that'll be good enough.
The fastest writers in my school could write about
220 in 5 mins, pretty hectic I must say. And you need to be able to maintain that for at
least an hour.
Writing the whole essay out is good, but it'd be better to write out the whole essay out say, 2 or 3 times,
continuously, one after the other, so it's sortof like conditioning yourself. Increase endurance

. So that when it does come to the exam, you can go all out and surprise yourself at how quickly you can finish your essay.
Find a pen that suits you and glides to your liking. Sometimes having a really smooth pen is good, but not everyone can write well with a smooth pen.
Also, you need to realize that everyone writes different sizes, so some people write really big whilst others write fairly small.
I find that if you write big, to a certain degree, you have
momentum (lol) and its easier to go faster, whereas if you write smaller, it sortof restricts the movement of your arm and so you can't write as fast.
But yeah, it really depends on the individual. Some people in my school could write INCREDIBLY fast in print, it was amazing o_o
So you just need to find what suits you and just practise practise practise !