How many people will get a UAI of 99+
How well do i need to do in order to get such marks in a 70ish ranked school?
Your school rank does not have a huge impact on your UAI. Your school can be ranked last, and you still get 99+ (correct me if I'm wrong), but in this situation it would be advantageous to have "high scaling" subjects, such at Adv. English, MX1, MX2, Chem, Phys, Eco and so on.
My school was ranked 190 this year (Marian Catholic College) and the highest UAI in the school was 98. (A few points higher that 98, in fact). And Jennie Talia (she's on this forum) as you can see from her profile and sig, got 96.2 with English Advanced, English Extension 1, Ancient History, Drama, Modern History and Studies of Religon 1. No maths even!
To get 99+ in a school ranked 70, you really need to achieve AT LEAST 6 units of Band 6's and 4 units of VERY HIGH Band 5's, i.e. 87-89. You also need to like all your subjects and have a passion for them.
For example (with the subjects I am thinking of choosing):
Aligned HSC Marks
English Advanced - 95/100
English Extension 1 - 46/50
General Mathematics - 97/100 ... would this equate to 1st in the state? OR if I did Mathematics Advanced - 92/100
Chemistry - 88
Italian Continuers - 100
(I aim to come 1st in the state)
Modern History - 89
Studies of Religion 1 - 47
^These marks should get you 99+ (probably about 99.25 UAI).
Good luck, or as they say in Italy,
buona fortuna!
Edit: One of these subjects wouldn't count, of course, but you get the idea.