What the logic gate question? That was piss easy, for me xD (Done a fair bit on them)
That bending / shear force diagram question was fucked as, the drawing was terrible and I didn't have a clue where things started and ended... just what? Nailed the first drawing but the second one was difficult. I got either 9/10 or 10/10 for multiple choice, anyone know what 2 was? Not a clue how cold rolled brass reacts to saltwater...
Screwed up the first bit of the truss question, did vertical load but forgot to put the horizontal component in and get the final direction ;_;, realised when I had a minute left and couldn't fix it.
Overall it was rather stressful as a large portion of my marks are going to be coming from engineering.
The paper as a whole was pretty good and could have been harder looking at other papers.