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I think I might end my life... it's too painful (1 Viewer)

Alexis Texas

Mar 26, 2012
HSC is no reason to kill yourself

there are a million and 1 ways to get into whatever degree you want even if it means doing a semester or a year at a uni different to the one you would have preferred to go to or in a different course

hsc is a load of crap, it doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your ability to memorise. chill out, bro. enjoy year 12 because after high school shit just gets real and you have to deal with things way beyond your emotional capabilities.


Dec 23, 2011
I can honestly that I have felt the same as you, in fact I've become depressed because throughout high school I never gave a shit about my studies and now in Year 12 I'm finding it hard to study and am a constant procrastinator so this has had a major impact on my grades thus far.. there have been times where I've felt so down that I just wanted to cry and even though about suicide, because of this I've been admitted to seeing a psychologist and so far it's helping out. First of all, if you are depressed and/or suffering from anxiety I urge you to see your GP and get transferred to a psychologist ASAP. You can't go through school with a bad state of mind because let's be honest VCE/HSC is a fucking mind game - if you can take control of your mind and don't let all these negative thoughts and past experiences haunt you constantly so you can achieve a good sense of self-control.

You need to realize that the HSC is not what it is all cracked up to be - it is not the end of the world despite what your family/teachers say believe it or not. This is not Korea or India where without strong academic success you will end up a failure.. no we are living in a country where there are millions of opportunities and pathways to get where you want to be, this country rewards people who work hard this is why people can go to TAFE and end up in Go8 Unis - this is because hard work is rewarded unlike other countries. So don't feel saddened or depressed because you don't do well because frankly there is no need to be, there are so many options out there that to commit suicide over the HSC which is simply an insignificant speck of dust when compared to your whole life is ridiculous and a stupid decision. So don't worry about not achieving a good UAI (whatever that means - a "good" UAI is very subjective) and stop COMPARING yourselves to other people! This mentality will get you nowhere and you will constantly feel down, don't compare yourself with no one because people are simply different and therefore comparisons are an exercise in futility especially for someone in your situation.

Now for some motivation:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8ZuKF3dxCY <-- Video of Nick Vujicic a man with no arms and no legs who is living life to the absolute fullest. If he can overcome his problems you can too!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NQREuc7JX8 <-- A truly inspirational speech. Hard work will always pay off no matter what. Don't be afraid of failure, you might fail 1000 times but in the end you will achieve success and boy that will taste good!

Now in terms of MATHS.

- You might consider getting a tutor if you don't have one or if the one that you have isn't effective then you may need to get a new one.
- Ask your teacher for help! Teachers are a very valuable resource, so just approach them after class and tell them that you need help and they should be able to arrange a time where you can help.
- Get a study guide which explains the Maths topics very well.
- Use the internet - the internet is the most valuable resource to any HSC student and if you use it wisely you can do very very well.

Here are a few channels which explain Maths topics in a simple-easy to understand manner.
http://www.youtube.com/khanacademy <-- One of the best! Salman Khan does a brilliant job of explain Math, Biology, Chemistry and much more.
http://www.youtube.com/patrickjmt <-- Hundreds of quality easy-to-understand Math tutorials! Pretty much covers every topic you will ever have.
other videos can be found by just typing the topic's name onto YouTube search.

Goodluck and remember it's never too late to make a big impact on your HSC. HSC is not a race it's a marathon, it is not about how you start but how you finish. Don't look at your past failures, look ahead.
Truly well said.


Dec 18, 2010
If you're doing 2U maths, maybe drop to General? I did and havn't looked back.

Aren't you in your Prelim years? Then it's still possible to drop to general maths or even change your subject if you have a very valid reason but you'll have to catch up with on the workload in the other subject. Don't stress. It's only the beginning of year 11 for you.
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Feb 7, 2012
Why would you think about ending your life???? I know it can be painful when you can't reach something by yourself and that's when you need help by tutors/teachers and thats what they are there for! There will always be people around you to help you get through stressful and depressing times and to guide you to the finish line.

And as a few people said through this thread, There are people dying of cancer/diseases who just want to live happily without any of this shit they don't deserve and your thinking about ending your life ? Please if you take one thing from this don't let anything stop you and tread in your way. "Bad Things always happen to Good People", remember that because it is completely true...


Active Member
Nov 12, 2009
Im going to post this and I know im going to get a lot of hate from it, but I have to say what I think.
Ending your life over a stupid HSC is the dumbest thing that I have ever heard of in my entire life. Look, doing not so great in the HSC isnt the worst thing that could ever happen to you, get off your damn high horse and slap some sense into yourself. There are other options like TAFE, entering the workforce and you could go to uni after a year or two of doing that, hey it might not be the pretty option, but it seems like one of the only options you have at the moment unless you toughen up and get yourself a tutor or something. Also stop dissing other people, yeah this dude in this thread works in telecommunications but he isnt some centrelink bum, hes doing something with his life. People here are trying to help you. One last thing, sure 2u isnt for everyone, I struggled with 2u, got a tutor and did awesome, but dude come on how can you only be achieving 5-10% in an exam? how could you know ANYTHING from the exam paper that you got the other day? Question 1 is usually some crap like 2x=3x + 1, people in general do some of that too. If you cant do that, then son you need to consider dropping down to general. If you say that you study or attempt to study as much as you do you should at least get that right, thats basic year 8 maths. Stop whining, do something about your problem and stop saying that youre going to end your life,
Approach your parents and explain all this to them. We cant talk to your parents for you, man up and just do it. If they threaten to kick you out, then fine. Try your best, dont be a bum, dont drop out. How are you going with your other subjects?

eric sparkles

New Member
Feb 4, 2012
OP, school marks are not worth anywhere near as much as you think.

Life is about experience and enjoyment, it's not an arbitrary motion of accruing X mark or Y accolade etc. It's about experiencing what the world has to offer.

I honestly think, getting 5-10% in maths and being on ten units thus having to keep it up, have you considered doing general maths. I think you could be better off having a grasp on that then being snowballed in 2u.
Life is honestly that. Trust me, not everything is universal, for example people have different dreams for their future and just because someone is happy with one thing, doesn't mean someone else would enjoy being at another, the universal thing, i think, that super goal for everyone is to achieve a balance of those things. A lot of people on bos will tell you hsc isn't everything with tones of optimism, but if you swapped positions ala trading places, suicide and tim tams (not in that order) would be an ideal notion for them.
I'm actually still in the process of fully committing to that sort of ideal, of believing that if i don't do well, i'm behind everybody in the race of life. my belief was if i didnt become this i'm behind all of my ozasian cohort, those future lawyers, doctors, engies. and and it is a very hard thing to to believe that that's not the measure of 1st place in life. i always thought that there was one pathway and one way to succeed in life, uni -> some sort of professional ('what do you do' 'i'm an ____' 'you must be successful') but i think, that that's a real close minded thing to think. and i always met these people saying to me, 'just be happy, that's all there is' and i think that subscribing to that ideal was giving up and aiming low, submissing yourself to your smart friends. but i think its all about self evaluation, when i self evaluate (very hard thing to do) i never take it seriously (99'ers don't reflect on silly stuff like, 'what would they be truly happy doing!) i say, they contribute to society doing what they do best), but i have sort of realised that what society wants you to do and what you want to do are apples and banannas. i doubt this post made any sense, but i'm spilling my guts out here!
keep trying yoonaday, a lot of bosers are going through similar dilemmas, we're with you


Sep 18, 2009
The hsc is an exam testing ur ability to rote learn shit, most of which you wont need for the rest of ur life. There are things far more important and serious that u will confront, so the hsc is no reason to kill yourself.

Instead u should focus on mproving. Study more, concentrate, gain confidence. Get a tutor or someone to help u. Kf u cant cope with 2u maths, thats ok, go to general.

Even if u dont get the results u want, so what? There are a billion pathways into uni and even then, who says u need a uni education to live life to its fullest? Life isnt just going to be perfect all the time, oftentimes u wont get what u want. U can either give up on it and never find out what is beyond or u can accept whats happened and move on, forging another path ahead.


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
hi maybe check out tutoring for maths and anything else you need maybe just those couple of months of tutoring before the HSC could catch you up and maybe even ahead of the class.


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
Hey, you look like you are willing to learn and where there is a will there is a way! as cheesey as it sounds LOL but even though some of your friends may think ur annoying for asking too many questions im sure someone at school will want to help you, like some people at my school openly ask others if they want in school tutoring as it helps them to understand it much deeper and it is usually these kids that do really well in maths . Also if you approach it to the teacher sincerely im sure they will want to help you, i mean they are teachers for a reason ( okay even though some hate their job) and if you show the effort they will too . It does sound like you are putting a lot of strain on yourself, but there are so many journey's in life. Although it may seen studying, marks etc is everything right now, in the wider spectrum it is really nothing , hsc isnt life, it doesn't even guaranee what your life is going to be like, its only a short cut, either way if you are determined enough to do something you can find a pathway, even though it make take detours. So please keep that in mind and good luck for your hsc :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2006
Dude it's just a number. No where near as important to life/success as people make it out to be. Most people don't even remember what they got a few years after high school.

Regarding ATAR cutoffs, there are a million different ways of getting into the course you want besides going straight from your HSC. Lots of people I know took such side routes and turned out perfectly successful.

At the end of the day success in life is all about finding some goals that YOU are passionate about and doing everything you can to achieve them. Call me crazy but I don't think a number on a piece of paper is the sort of thing that breeds passion.


New Member
Feb 23, 2011
I'm doing 2unit maths at the moment and that's really worrying because it shouldn't really be that hard but I don't seem to understand anything in class. I can't keep up with my class and I'm just struggling behind... I'm so lost when my teacher explains something and I don't want to ask the people sitting next to me because if I ask too many questions they get annoyed. I really don't know what to do.. I really should have dropped maths altogether but the thought of that is not even possible now. I don't think my subjects are difficult but it's really maths that's dragging everything down... but I can't seem to pick it back up either :/
HSC YEAR IS THE YEAR THAT YOU ARE THE MOST SELFISH It's all about you who cares if you annoy them but honestly most people do like it when others ask them for help. 1. it makes them feel smart; 2. it's the best revision you can get. You should start doing hsc past papers if you haven't already and I honestly I dedicate a lot of my time to maths to get to where I am now...I remember in year 11 I was near the bottom so I studied really hard and now I'm near the top Also you can ask someone to tutor you? cause I know a lot of people in my school tutor each other after school. ALSO if you find it hard to remember things while you study you should try to explain it to someone because when you are able to do that you know you got it DON'T STRESS!!!!!! Also what school do you go to, if you don't mind me asking? because your school might be marking harshly :/


May 19, 2012
The 2U teacher has to try to teach a course that will suit most people, and this of course will mean some people slip through the gaps. What you need is a tutor that can do one on one, starting right from the basics, checking your understanding each and every step of the way. Even if this is not possible, don't give up. Try your hardest for all your other subjects and you can still obtain the ATAR you want.


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
It is only the HSC, although we think it means everyhting right now, it doesnt really mean anyhting in the whole scheme of things, so, if you dont do well, its not the end of the world! (Trust me, i know, i have to keep telling myself the same thing). You just have to put things in perspective. It is definately not worth taking your life!!! Study hard, dont stress, stay calm and stay positive. Things will work out. Theres is not only one way to get somewhere, there are many ways in which we can reach our goal, and it doesnt matter how long it takes. This year is all about us, as was said before, and it is about your future, noone else's, it is up to you how you decide to reach your goal, it is your life and it doesnt matter about other peoples expectations. Maybe lower your standards, stilll aim high, but sdont be disappointed if you fall short. Dont compare yourself or your marks to other people, you are on an entirely different journey to them. If you can, talk to your friends, teachers, family and they will understand and im sure they will be happy to help, and if you can maybe a tutor would be of help


Mar 25, 2011
Drop out and work at the mines

And screw maths, thats easy shit, i used to be failing all my maths tests getting like 20% each test until i took it by the throat and ripped its asshole and by the finals i raped that shit and got like 90%
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