I heard that the police or some fucking government group can now........................... phone tab, email tap and sms tap .......suspected terrorists communications equiptment without a warrant. we fucking have warrants to stop the government and its agencies from infringing on our rights and stop authorities abusing their power against the supposed freee citizens of this shit country known as australia.
Can someone tell me the fucking law, relating to when the police can use sniffer dogs and infringe on our fucking rights with other forms of seaches in public? (whats the actual law someone?????) its fucking bull shit.
our government continues to enhance its powers at the expense of our liberties. WE are fucking subjects not citizens we are fucking enslaved by our government and starved of the freeedoms we deserve.
Like the government lets all the scum of the earth into our fucking country from all over the globe, ....................we are a fucking junk yard for other counties unwanted citizens...........all these fucking refugeees with there fucking personal problems and shit...........they cant speak english etc............there fucking uselesss.
Not only that..they bring there fucking religiions over and shit..........and alll there fucking baggage like the fucking..............iraqi war and the fucking isreali whatever the fuck its callled...........and then they fucking hate us............
our government has let the fucking enemy into our fucking country. As i seee it......the government has assisted our enemy ---------- thats fucking treason if you ask me. Fucking politicans.
why should we have to take up the fucking slack and forfeit our fucking freeedoms cos our fucking government lacked the do its job and defend the country by employing a more appropriate immigration policy.
Now we must put up with random searches and all this other fucking bull shit cos we have a fucking potentail crisis on our fucking hands cos of the governemtns negligent policy of allowing religious fundamnetalists and shit and all the other no hoppers to come to our fucking country and plot against us.
We dont deserve to looose our freeedoms because our government fucked up.
Its gettting fucking rediculus......................u people are so fucking blind and so fucking stupid.
We are meant to be freee people. I know i talk alot of bull shit..but this is serious.
For no reason, but to help us and ensure australia was a free country thousands of ppple died in the world wars and shit.
The fucking diggers diddnt surrender,,,,,,,,,,,,, so you pieces of shit better not let them down. WE must keeep australia freeee.
If i had the chioce i would prefer to be killed my terrorists than be a slave of my government and not have freedom. (jsut like in braveheart sort of thing)
Its just around the fucking corner, where we have to have id cards, have to give fucking dna samples, random searches,,,,, and bull shit trials.
and then we will have fucking microchips inserted up our arses or in our heads etc. its fucked.
Fuck u ppple pisss me offff.
is anyone else concerned about the governments aggressive policies stripping us of our freedoms???????????????
btw sorry for swearing
Can someone tell me the fucking law, relating to when the police can use sniffer dogs and infringe on our fucking rights with other forms of seaches in public? (whats the actual law someone?????) its fucking bull shit.
our government continues to enhance its powers at the expense of our liberties. WE are fucking subjects not citizens we are fucking enslaved by our government and starved of the freeedoms we deserve.
Like the government lets all the scum of the earth into our fucking country from all over the globe, ....................we are a fucking junk yard for other counties unwanted citizens...........all these fucking refugeees with there fucking personal problems and shit...........they cant speak english etc............there fucking uselesss.
Not only that..they bring there fucking religiions over and shit..........and alll there fucking baggage like the fucking..............iraqi war and the fucking isreali whatever the fuck its callled...........and then they fucking hate us............
our government has let the fucking enemy into our fucking country. As i seee it......the government has assisted our enemy ---------- thats fucking treason if you ask me. Fucking politicans.
why should we have to take up the fucking slack and forfeit our fucking freeedoms cos our fucking government lacked the do its job and defend the country by employing a more appropriate immigration policy.
Now we must put up with random searches and all this other fucking bull shit cos we have a fucking potentail crisis on our fucking hands cos of the governemtns negligent policy of allowing religious fundamnetalists and shit and all the other no hoppers to come to our fucking country and plot against us.
We dont deserve to looose our freeedoms because our government fucked up.
Its gettting fucking rediculus......................u people are so fucking blind and so fucking stupid.
We are meant to be freee people. I know i talk alot of bull shit..but this is serious.
For no reason, but to help us and ensure australia was a free country thousands of ppple died in the world wars and shit.
The fucking diggers diddnt surrender,,,,,,,,,,,,, so you pieces of shit better not let them down. WE must keeep australia freeee.
If i had the chioce i would prefer to be killed my terrorists than be a slave of my government and not have freedom. (jsut like in braveheart sort of thing)
Its just around the fucking corner, where we have to have id cards, have to give fucking dna samples, random searches,,,,, and bull shit trials.
and then we will have fucking microchips inserted up our arses or in our heads etc. its fucked.
Fuck u ppple pisss me offff.
is anyone else concerned about the governments aggressive policies stripping us of our freedoms???????????????
btw sorry for swearing