:/ lol as if? haha ok.
LOL believe it or not i've actually tried that =\ . the oil wouldn't wash out properly so it looked like i had wet hair .. people at school were like why has your hair been wet for the past 10 days straightdunk your head in a tub of oil? lololol
That is dedication to fighting the frizz.LOL believe it or not i've actually tried that =\ . the oil wouldn't wash out properly so it looked like i had wet hair .. people at school were like why has your hair been wet for the past 10 days straight.. needless to say, it didn't get rid of my frizz
LOL believe it or not i've actually tried that =\ . the oil wouldn't wash out properly so it looked like i had wet hair .. people at school were like why has your hair been wet for the past 10 days straight.. needless to say, it didn't get rid of my frizz
That is dedication to fighting the frizz.
my momma wouldn't letlmfao! bahahahaha awww darlz, have u ever though about chem. str8n ur hair?
no i never blowdry my hair nor do i straighten it ever, but it's so much more frizzier than my friends' hair which is severely heat-styled etc . that's what annoys me mostDo you blow dry your hair often?
I never really blowdry my hair these days, but in the past my Mum forced me too and I found that my hair was soooo frizzy back then!
i've been co-washing for the past 4 weeks and it has made my hair look so oily that people started to ask me when was the last time i washed it :| .. and it didn't help with my frizz at all .. maybe it works for some, but not mine .my hair is stubbornco-washing takes 4-6 weeks usually for progress to be evident.
it takes a while for your hair to adjust, and the longer you've been co-washing for, the better the results.
i would suggest not giving up on it, if you can stick it out; it is so worth it.