Like OP I used to hate maths. But from the start of Yr 11, I wouldn't say I LOVED maths, but I developed an appreciation and started liking maths. This comes from someone who was considering not taking it. And since I started liking it, well my ranks shot up, in Yr 11 and currently in Yr 12, my ranks are up with the MX1 class.
Honestly don't shut yourself off from a subject yet, it's all about your attitude and go into the new year with a fresh outlook on your subjects. Honestly a new teacher *coughIhadtheworseYr9/10teacherbutmyYr11onewasalegend* might make all the difference
I had 3 different teachers for HSC and prelim maths. I had a small class in year 11 and it was really good (I actually topped one of the exams getting like 96% or something - 1st in the class), because we could all ask questions easily, it was quiet and the teacher had enough time to go to everyone. But then in year 12, people dropped to gen, so I got put in the bigger class and it was too noisy, and while the teacher did make an effort to see everyone in the lesson, time just did not permit the teacher to do so. So it was very frustrating waiting to ask for help and then the bell went off. I usually had to stay back during recess and lunches and after school (even went before school at times) to ask for help, because the lesson was just too short for that many students (around 24 students in ~55 min). (not to mentioned that most of them had tutors, and some were dicks who should of been doing general, but stayed in 2u)
So then in year 12, while I kept trying by myself and asking the teacher for help, I just started to lose interest slowly. I couldn't see any point in the topics and how they related to what I wanted to study in my future career. Even though I tried hard and still did well in my final exams, I think HSC maths was a turning point for me not to continue studying maths, unless I could see relevance in my chosen career.
That's just in my experience.